Monthly Archives: March 2020

Home Learning for Week beginning 30th March

Good morning!

I hope you are all keeping safe and well, and had a good first week of home learning.

This week, please continue to work through the folder of activities sent home.  This also includes website suggestions.  The children could also continue designing and building a simple 3-d model of a tank.  As we are an Eco School, children should try to use recycled materials in the construction of their models.  Also, some other jobs which could be undertaken, include: 


• Write a weekly diary entry describing what you are doing and how you are feeling.
• Find a news story that interests you online or on tv/radio and write about in in your own words.  You could even draw or print a picture too.
• Spelling practise.  Use spelling words from previous Blogs to practise rules.  Use a variety of active spelling strategies and get an adult to test you.
• Write a mini book.
• Copy the front cover of your favourite book.
• Dictionary games, e.g.  get an adult to time you finding words.
• Play ‘Stop the Bus’ alphabet game.


• Online Maths games, e.g. Topmarks
• Practise “Learn Its”/Times Tables


• Personal research about World War One.
• Choose an aspect of our class topic, World War One, and undertake a drawing or a painting.
• Still Life Drawing – Choose something at home to draw, e.g. a bowl of fruit, a view from a window.
• Easter Art – Decorate a hard boiled egg or make an Easter bonnet.
• Home Baking

Below are also some free resources that are provided daily that the children could do.  We all really enjoyed reading “The World’s Worst Children” and “The World’s Worst Children 2” by David Walliams in class  so I’m delighted that he is putting up a free story every day on his website.

As I said last week, you can work through these activities in any order and at any pace.  As every families’ circumstances are different, don’t worry if you don’t get them done.  Please make sure in the days ahead you are making lots of time for play and having fun at home, this is more important than any task I set.

If you manage to complete a piece of work or participate in an activity you are particularly proud of and would like to share a photo, you can email them to:

When sending an email could you please include the pupil’s name, class (Room 5) and the word Twitter within the SUBJECT BOX of the email as this will be used by all staff.  Your photos could then be shared onto the school twitter account for everyone to see!

I’m missing all my Room 5 boys and girls but we all have to stay at home at the moment to stay safe.  I will hopefully see you all soon.

Mrs Lindsay






Home Learning for Week beginning 23rd March

Good afternoon!

I hope you and your family are keeping well.  Please tell the children I am missing them already and Room 5 was a very quiet place today.

I posted last week some ideas for activities to do at home for those already self-isolating and I will copy these onto the bottom of this post too.  A folder of work with activities and website suggestions has also been given out which you can work through in any order and at any pace.  However,  as every families’ circumstances are different, don’t worry if you don’t get it done.  Please make sure in the days ahead you are making lots of time for play and having fun at home, this is more important than any task I set.

Take care of yourselves and I will hopefully see you all soon.

Mrs Lindsay

Suggested Activities:


• Write a weekly diary entry describing what you are doing and how you are feeling.
• Find a news story that interests you online or on tv/radio and write about in in your own words.  You could even draw or print a picture too.
• Spelling practise.  Use spelling words from previous Blogs to practise rules.  Use a variety of active spelling strategies and get an adult to test you.
• Write a mini book.
• Copy the front cover of your favourite book.
• Dictionary games, e.g.  get an adult to time you finding words.
• Play ‘Stop the Bus’ alphabet game.


• Online Maths games, e.g. Topmarks
• Practise “Learn Its”/Times Tables


• Personal research about World War One.
• Choose an aspect of our class topic, World War One, and undertake a drawing or a painting.
• Still Life Drawing – Choose something at home to draw, e.g. a bowl of fruit, a view from window.
• Easter Art – Decorate a hard boiled egg or make an Easter bonnet.
• Home Baking


For pupils in self-isolation at home

For pupils who are currently absent or self- isolating the following activities could be undertaken at home:


• Write a weekly diary entry describing what you are doing and how you are feeling.
• Find a news story that interests you online or on tv/radio and write about in in your own words.  You could even draw or print a picture too.
• Spelling practise.  Use spelling words from previous Blogs to practise rules.  Use a variety of active spelling strategies and get an adult to test you.
• Write a mini book.
• Copy the front cover of your favourite book.
• Dictionary games, e.g.  get an adult to time you finding words.
• Play ‘Stop the Bus’ alphabet game.


• Online Maths games, e.g. Topmarks
• Practise “Learn Its”/Times Tables


• Personal research about World War One.
• Choose an aspect of our class topic, World War One, and undertake a drawing or a painting.
• Still Life Drawing – choose something at home to draw, e.g. a bowl of fruit, a view from window.
• Easter Art – decorate a hard boiled egg or make an Easter bonnet
• Home Baking.

I hope you are all well and taking care of yourselves.

Mrs Lindsay

Homework for Week beginning 16th March

Welcome to Room 5’s Homework Blog

This week Spelling, Reading, Numeracy and I.D.L. homework has been issued.


Please try to practise cvc words/phoneme words/common words each night using a multi-sensory activity in preparation for a quiz in class on a Friday.  Multi-sensory ideas could include: making the words using play dough, painting the words, writing the words in a sand tray or on a whiteboard/chalkboard, as well as, writing the words on a computer then changing the font/size, writing the words using fancy letters or with eyes shut.  The words could even be written using the hand not normally used for writing.  Can you think of any new multi-sensory activities to try?  These jobs do not have to be returned to school.

Blue Group:

Please complete page 1 of the CVC  Booklet and return to school on Friday.

Words for the Green Group:

Consolidation week for “ue”, “aw” and “oi” phonemes and common words.  Please practise: glue, clue, crawl, awful, moist, toilet, other, very, there, their, some

Words for the Red Group:

comb, lamb, climb, crumb, dumb, green, people, which, another

Words for the Yellow Group:

Same as the Red Group.  In addition, think of at least two words of your own which have the “mb” phoneme.  Write them down on both post-its given out in school on Monday.  Are the words spelled correctly?  Keep one post-it at home and bring the other into school to allow practice to be done in class too.

Challenge Activity – Try writing a sentence for each word. Remember to use V.C.O.P. (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation).


Please read/discuss the following pages:

Apples: Pages 1 – 8 of “Fun at the Beach” and practise Key Words for Thursday
Pineapples: Pages 1 – 16 of “A Ball Called Sam” for Thursday
Grapes: Pages 1 – 16 of “The Singing Giant” for Thursday
Strawberries: Pages 1 – 16 of “Magnets” for Thursday


Circles: Please continue to practise tasks outlined on the Big Maths Sheet.  Also, complete the Four Times Table worksheet and practise.  Please return the worksheet to school on Friday.

Squares: Please continue to practise tasks outlined on the Big Maths Sheet.  Also, complete the sheet indicated in the Mental Maths Booklet and return it to school on Friday.

Triangles: Please continue to practise counting forwards to 10, as well as, counting backwards.  Also, practise writing numbers to 10 correctly and try to count different objects around the house e.g. spoons, crayons.  Continue to discuss numbers before and between, e.g. What number comes before 5?  What number comes between 8 and 10? Please complete the Addition worksheet and return it to school on Friday.


As you are aware the children have been working hard on our inter-disciplinary  topic World War One.  As part of this, I would like them to design and build a simple 3-d model of a tank.  As we are an Eco School, children should try to use recycled materials in the construction of their model.  All model tanks should be brought to school by Wednesday 1st April, in preparation for sharing their learning with others.  Many thanks for your support with this task.

Homework for Week beginning 9th March

Welcome to Room 5’s Homework Blog

This week Spelling, Reading and Numeracy homework has been issued.


Please try to practise cvc words/phoneme words/common words each night using a multi-sensory activity in preparation for a quiz in class on a Friday.  Multi-sensory ideas could include: making the words using play dough, painting the words, writing the words in a sand tray or on a whiteboard/chalkboard, as well as, writing the words on a computer then changing the font/size, writing the words using fancy letters or with eyes shut.  The words could even be written using the hand not normally used for writing.  Can you think of any new multi-sensory activities to try?  These jobs do not have to be returned to school.

Words for the Blue Group:

peg, men, neck, up, mum, run Please complete cvc sheet and return to school on Friday.

Words for the Green Group:

boil, spoil, coin, moist, toilet, join, their, some, them, last

Words for the Red Group:

knock, know, knee, knight, kneel, knew, under, were, thing

Words for the Yellow Group:

Same as the Red Group.  In addition, think of two words of your own which have the “kn” phoneme.  Write them down on both post-its given out in school on Monday.  Are the words spelled correctly?  Keep one post-it at home and bring the other into school to allow practice to be done in class too.

Challenge Activity – Try writing a sentence for each word. Remember to use V.C.O.P. (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation).


Please read/discuss the following pages:

Apples: Pages 1 – 8 of “Floppy Floppy” and practise Key Words for Thursday
Pineapples: Pages 1 – 16 of “Be Quiet!” for Thursday
Grapes: Pages 1 – 16 of “Stone Soup” for Thursday
Strawberries: Chapter 2 of “Rollercoaster” for Thursday


Circles: Please continue to practise tasks outlined on the Big Maths Sheet.  Also, complete the Three Times Table worksheet and practise.  Please return the worksheet to school on Friday.

Squares: Please continue to practise tasks outlined on the Big Maths Sheet.  Also, complete the sheet indicated in the Mental Maths Booklet and return it to school on Friday.

Triangles: Please continue to practise counting forwards to 10, as well as, counting backwards.  Also, practise writing numbers to 10 correctly and try to count different objects around the house e.g. spoons, crayons.  Continue to discuss numbers before and between, e.g. What number comes before 4?  What number comes between 7 and 9? Please complete the Addition worksheet and return it to school on Friday.

Homework for Week beginning 2nd March

Welcome to Room 5’s Homework Blog

This week Spelling, Reading and Numeracy homework has been issued.


Please try to practise cvc words/phoneme words/common words each night using a multi-sensory activity in preparation for a quiz in class on a Friday.  Multi-sensory ideas could include: making the words using play dough, painting the words, writing the words in a sand tray or on a whiteboard/chalkboard, as well as, writing the words on a computer then changing the font/size, writing the words using fancy letters or with eyes shut.  The words could even be written using the hand not normally used for writing.  Can you think of any new multi-sensory activities to try?  These jobs do not have to be returned to school.

Words for the Blue Group:

top, dog, pop, log, can, cot Complete cvc worksheet and return to school on Friday.

Words for the Green Group:

jaw, draw, hawk, crawl, awful, saw, very, took, fast, there

Words for the Red Group:

off, cliff, cuff, stiff, different, three, room, long, tree

Words for the Yellow Group:

Same as the Red Group.  In addition, think of two words of your own which have the “ff” phoneme.  Write them down on both post-its given out in class on Monday.  Are the words spelled correctly?  Keep one post-it at home and bring the other into school to allow practice to be done in class too.

Challenge Activity – Try writing a sentence for each word. Remember to use V.C.O.P. (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation).


Please read/discuss the following pages:

Apples: Pages 1 – 8 of “A Good Trick” and practise Key Words for Thursday
Pineapples: Pages 1 – 16 of “Rush Hour” for Thursday
Grapes: Pages 1 – 16 of “How Does Water Change?” for Thursday
Strawberries: Chapter 1 of “Rollercoaster” for Thursday


Circles: Please continue to practise tasks outlined on the Big Maths Sheet.  Also, complete the Two Times Table worksheet and practise.  Please return the worksheet to school on Friday.

Squares: Please continue to practise tasks outlined on the Big Maths Sheet.  Also, complete the sheet indicated in the Mental Maths Booklet and return it to school on Friday.

Triangles: Please continue to practise counting forwards to 10, as well as, counting backwards.  Also, practise writing numbers to 10 correctly and try to count different objects around the house e.g. spoons, crayons.  Continue to discuss numbers before and between, e.g. What number comes before 3?  What number comes between 8 and 10? Please complete the Addition worksheets and return them to school on Friday.