Good morning!
I hope you are all keeping safe and well, and had a good first week of home learning.
This week, please continue to work through the folder of activities sent home. This also includes website suggestions. The children could also continue designing and building a simple 3-d model of a tank. As we are an Eco School, children should try to use recycled materials in the construction of their models. Also, some other jobs which could be undertaken, include:
• Write a weekly diary entry describing what you are doing and how you are feeling.
• Find a news story that interests you online or on tv/radio and write about in in your own words. You could even draw or print a picture too.
• Spelling practise. Use spelling words from previous Blogs to practise rules. Use a variety of active spelling strategies and get an adult to test you.
• Write a mini book.
• Copy the front cover of your favourite book.
• Dictionary games, e.g. get an adult to time you finding words.
• Play ‘Stop the Bus’ alphabet game.
• Online Maths games, e.g. Topmarks
• Practise “Learn Its”/Times Tables
• Personal research about World War One.
• Choose an aspect of our class topic, World War One, and undertake a drawing or a painting.
• Still Life Drawing – Choose something at home to draw, e.g. a bowl of fruit, a view from a window.
• Easter Art – Decorate a hard boiled egg or make an Easter bonnet.
• Home Baking
Below are also some free resources that are provided daily that the children could do. We all really enjoyed reading “The World’s Worst Children” and “The World’s Worst Children 2” by David Walliams in class so I’m delighted that he is putting up a free story every day on his website.
As I said last week, you can work through these activities in any order and at any pace. As every families’ circumstances are different, don’t worry if you don’t get them done. Please make sure in the days ahead you are making lots of time for play and having fun at home, this is more important than any task I set.
If you manage to complete a piece of work or participate in an activity you are particularly proud of and would like to share a photo, you can email them to:
When sending an email could you please include the pupil’s name, class (Room 5) and the word Twitter within the SUBJECT BOX of the email as this will be used by all staff. Your photos could then be shared onto the school twitter account for everyone to see!
I’m missing all my Room 5 boys and girls but we all have to stay at home at the moment to stay safe. I will hopefully see you all soon.
Mrs Lindsay