Monthly Archives: October 2019

Homework for Week beginning 28th Oct.

Welcome to Room 5’s Homework Blog.

This week Reading homework has been issued.


Please read/discuss the following pages:

Apples: Pages 1 – 8 of “The Library” for Thursday
Pineapples: Pages 9 – 16 of “Have you got everything, Colin?” for Thursday
Grapes: Pages 1 – 16 of “Where is Joe?” for Thursday
Strawberries: Pages 1 – 8 of “How Music is Made” for Thursday

Homework for Week beginning 21st Oct.

Welcome to Room 5’s Homework Blog.

This week Phonemes/Spelling, Reading and Numeracy homework has been issued.


Please try to practise phonemes/phoneme words/common words each night using a multi-sensory activity in preparation for a quiz in class on a Friday.  Multi-sensory ideas could include: making the phonemes/words using play dough, painting the phonemes/words, writing the phonemes/words in a sand tray or on a whiteboard/chalkboard, as well as, writing the phonemes/words on a computer then changing the font/size, writing the phonemes/words using fancy letters or with eyes shut. The phonemes/words could even be written using the hand not normally used for writing. Can you think of any new multi-sensory activities to try?  These jobs do not have to be returned to school.

Phonemes for the Blue Group:

Recap all phonemes a – z

Words for the Green Group:

Consolidation Week for “ai”, “oy”, “oa” and Common Words.  Please recap words from previous weeks:

stair, hair, chair, rain, brain, train, stain, said, big, could

toy, enjoy, royal, boy, cowboy, our, down, off

boat, foal, coat, road, float, loan, him, all, came

Words for the Red Group:

side, white, smile, hide, shine, five, time, life, line

Words for the Yellow Group:

Same as Red Group.  In addition, think of two words of your own which have the “i-e” phoneme.  Write them down on both post-its given out in class on Monday.  Are the words  spelled correctly?  Keep one post-it at home and bring the other into school to allow practice to be done in class too.

Challenge Activity – Try writing a sentence for each word.  Remember to use V.C.O.P. (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation).


Please read/discuss the following pages:

Apples: Pages 1 – 8 of “At School” for Thursday

Pineapples: Pages 1 – 8 of “Have you got everything, Colin?” for Thursday

Grapes: Pages 1 – 16 of “Josie’s New Coat” for Thursday

Strawberries: Pages 13 – 24 of “Is the Wise Owl Wise?” for Thursday


Circles: Please continue to practise tasks outlined on the Big Maths Sheet.  Complete Maths sheet and return to school on Friday.

Squares: Please continue to practise tasks outlined on the Big Maths Sheet.  Complete Worksheet Number 2 only of the Mental Maths Homework Booklet and return to school on Friday.  Please try to attempt the whole page on three occasions/three nights if possible.

Triangles: Please continue to practise counting forwards to 10, as well as, counting backwards.  Also, practise writing numbers to 10 correctly and try to count different objects around the house e.g. spoons, crayons.  Complete Maths sheet and return to school on Friday.

Additional Information

Gym days this term will now be Tuesdays and Wednesdays.  P.E. will be taught by Miss Muir.

Homework for Week beginning 7th Oct.

Welcome to Room 5’s Homework Blog.

This week Phonemes/Spelling, Reading and Numeracy homework has been issued.


Please try to practise phonemes/phoneme words/common words each night using a multi-sensory activity in preparation for a quiz in class on a Friday.  Multi-sensory ideas could include: making the phonemes/words using play dough, painting the phonemes/words, writing the phonemes/words in a sand tray or on a whiteboard/chalkboard, as well as, writing the phonemes/words on a computer then changing the font/size, writing the phonemes/words using fancy letters or with eyes shut. The phonemes/words could even be written using the hand not normally used for writing. Can you think of any new multi-sensory activities to try?  These jobs do not have to be returned to school.

Phonemes for the Blue Group:

Recap all phonemes a – z

Words for the Green Group :

boat, foal, coat, road, float, loan, him, all, came

Words for the Red Group:

Consolidation Week for “igh”, “y” and Common Words.  Please recap words from previous weeks:

high, right, thigh, bright, might, light, who, after, hand, right

fly, shy, cry, sky, why, dry, myself, bring, two, Mr.

Words for the Yellow Group:

Same as Red Group.  In addition, think of two words of your own which have the “igh” phoneme.   Write them down.  Are they spelled correctly?

Challenge Activity – Try writing a sentence for each word.  Remember to use V.C.O.P. (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation).


Please read/discuss the following pages:

Apples: Pages 1 – 8 of “Look Out!” for Thursday

Pineapples: Pages 1 – 16 of “Baby Animals” for Thursday

Grapes: Pages 1 – 16 of “Bully Bear” for Thursday

Strawberries: Pages 1 – 12 of “Is the Wise Owl Wise?” for Thursday


Circles: Please continue to practise tasks outlined on the Big Maths Sheet.  Also, continue to practise counting in sections within numbers to 1000, as well as, try to practise adding/subtracting ten to/from a 3 digit number, focusing especially on crossing tens/hundreds, e.g. What number is 10 more than 199?  Also, adding/subtracting a hundred to/from a number, e.g. What number is 100 less than 499?  Complete Maths sheet and return to school on Friday.

Squares: Please continue to practise tasks outlined on the Big Maths Sheet.  Also, continue to practise counting in sections within numbers to 100, as well as, try to practise adding/subtracting ten to/from a number, e.g. What number is 10 more than 34?  What number is 10 less than 57?  Complete Worksheet Number 1 of the Mental Maths Homework Booklet and return to school on Friday.

Triangles: Please continue to practise counting forwards to 10, as well as, counting backwards. Also, practise writing numbers to 10 correctly and try to count different objects around the house e.g. spoons, crayons.  Complete worksheet and return to school on Friday.

Homework for Week beginning 30th Sept.

Welcome to Room 5’s Homework Blog.

This week Phonemes/Spelling and Reading homework has been issued.


Please try to practise phonemes/phoneme words/common words each night using a multi-sensory activity in preparation for a quiz in class on a Friday.  Multi-sensory ideas could include: making the phonemes/words using play dough, painting the phonemes/words, writing the phonemes/words in a sand tray or on a whiteboard/chalkboard, as well as, writing the phonemes/words on a computer then changing the font/size, writing the phonemes/words using fancy letters or with eyes shut. The phonemes/words could even be written using the hand not normally used for writing. Can you think of any new multi-sensory activities to try?  These jobs do not have to be returned to school.

Challenge Activities – Try writing a sentence for each word.  Remember to use V.C.O.P. (Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers, Punctuation).

Phoneme for the Blue Group:


Words for the Green Group :

toy, enjoy, royal, boy, cowboy, our, down, off

Words for the Red Group:

fly, shy, cry, sky, why, dry, myself, bring, two, Mr.

Words for the Yellow Group:

Same as Red Group.  In addition, think of two words of your own (children have done this in class this week) which have the same phoneme as we are learning this week.  Write it down.  Is it spelled correctly?


Please read/discuss the following pages:

Apples: Pages 1 – 8 of “Getting Up” for Thursday

Pineapples: Pages 1 – 16 of “Where is Curly?” for Thursday

Grapes: Pages 1 – 16 of  “I Take Care of My Dog” for Thursday

Strawberries: Pages 49 – 60  of “Poppet” for Thursday