Friday Feeling!!

A gorgeous Friday…and the end of a great week on Primary 1 Google Classroom. Lovely to see so many people outside today and enjoying the glorious weather.

Here is a selection of the great home learning going on in Primary 1 today….

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We did a huge walk and went to see the ducks and baby sister loves the baby ducks…they are her favourite!


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I drew a picture of myself and used these great words to describe myself. I also did some rubbings of coins and  put them into order from the smallest amount to the largest! I did my tasks early because I am going to camp out in the garden with my dad!

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I ordered my coins too!

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I put them on a tray in order!

Displaying 29 May 2020 at 1:52 pm

I drew this portrait and used some fab words to describe myself!


Well done Primary 1….I love seeing all your fantastic work…have a fabulous weekend with your families, stay safe  and see you all on Google Classroom on Monday.


Mrs McKenna & Thomas
