It’s Friday!!!

We love Fridays in Primary 1 and again the children have been so busy doing their tasks today. Fantastic learning going on at home, here some of the work they have been doing on Google Classroom!!

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Having fun with chalk!!

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Dad drew a fire with chalk on our hut….and we put it out with our water guns!!!!

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I made my poster to say thank you to all the keyworkers!!

Displaying 1 May 2020 at 1:44 pm

My poster for the keyworkers!!!

Displaying 1 May 2020 at 1:58 pm

I loved weighing things, I found that the pear was light, and the mug was heavy!

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I made a cake for my Gran!!

Displaying 1 May 2020 at 3:08 pm

My poster for all the keyworkers!!

Another fantastic week…..stay home and stay safe…see you on Monday !!!

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A wee message from Thomas and me!!!