Friday Feeling!!

A gorgeous Friday…and the end of a great week on Primary 1 Google Classroom. Lovely to see so many people outside today and enjoying the glorious weather.

Here is a selection of the great home learning going on in Primary 1 today….

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We did a huge walk and went to see the ducks and baby sister loves the baby ducks…they are her favourite!


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I drew a picture of myself and used these great words to describe myself. I also did some rubbings of coins and  put them into order from the smallest amount to the largest! I did my tasks early because I am going to camp out in the garden with my dad!

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I ordered my coins too!

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I put them on a tray in order!

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I drew this portrait and used some fab words to describe myself!


Well done Primary 1….I love seeing all your fantastic work…have a fabulous weekend with your families, stay safe  and see you all on Google Classroom on Monday.


Mrs McKenna & Thomas


Happy Thursday !

Another gorgeous day of sunshine…and another fantastic day of home learning on Primary 1 Google Classroom….here are some of the things the children were doing today…

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Sorting out coins!

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Writing a poem using all my common words!

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We did rubbings of some of the coins!

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Having fun with the bubble challenge!

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Even a potato masher makes bubbles!!

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Tieing a ribbon on the gate and leaving a note to all my friends!

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Washing the car with my brother!

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Making gigantic bubbles with a homemade bubble wand!!

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Helping to make minestrone soup!!

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Drawing all our coins!!

Well done Primary 1…another great day!!

Wonderful Wednesday!

A day of wonderful weather, and wonderful home learning on Google Classroom in Primary 1.

Here are some of the photos of the fantastic learning going on at home….

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We surprised mum by dressing in our school uniforms!

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We made this amazing water slide!

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I made these beautiful flip flops!

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I tied a ribbon on the gate of the school!

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I made the water slide in to my little pond!

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I made flip flops with Sonic on them!

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I made very pretty flip flops!

Well done Primary 1…..wonderful work for a wonderful day!!

Terrific Tuesday

A great start to another week on Google Classroom and the fantastic learning opportunities going on at home in Primary 1

Here are some of the fantastic things going on at home….

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Building a Lego fort!

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Learning to make pizza!

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Baking an amazing cake!


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Going on a nature walk!

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Making a huge painting from the sea right up to space!!

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Playing at shops with my mum and we priced things in the cupboard!

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I drew a phone keypad on the ground to help me remember my mums mobile number!

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Learning my story of 9!

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I made these fantastic flip flops!

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Using Lego pieces to do my number story!

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Having fun with magnets!

Always amazed at the fantastic things the Primary 1’s are doing at home….well done everyone….great job!!

Super Thursday

The end of another week on Google Classroom and another week of great learning going on at home in Primary 1.

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Writing out my common words in lovely colours!

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I found repeating patterns in my house!!

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Repeating patterns are everywhere!!

Writing my common words!

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I found lots of repeated patterns in my house too!!

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Made a kite for the school challenge!

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I made a kite for the school challenge!!


Have a fantastic long weekend everyone, remember to clap for our keyworkers tonight.

Look forward to seeing on Google Classroom next week…..stay safe and miss you lots and lots

Mrs McKenna & Thomas  xxxx

Wonderful Wednesday

A lovely sunny day, and another day of fabulous home learning on Primary 1 Google Classroom.

Here is a few of the  posts…

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I made a repeated pattern with my beads!

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I made repeated patterns with my shapes!

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I made a kite for the school challenge!

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I worked hard on all my activities!

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I completed this jigsaw!

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My sunflower is getting bigger and bigger!

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On my walk I found lovely flowers and leaves…one had a love heart on it!!

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I made a huge ice lolly for the school challenge!!

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My sister and I went for a cycle to see the baby ducks!


Another great day on Google Classroom for Primary 1….another day of fantastic learning at home.

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I found things with the diagraph ‘qu’!

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Writing my story of 8, take away sums!

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This is a map of my bedroom!

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Working hard on our story of 8 sums!

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A map of my garden!

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A map of my bedroom using Lego!

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I drew my map!!

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A map of my room!

Great work Primary 1….looking forward to tomorrows posts !

Monday Fun day!!

The beginning of another week of Google Classroom in Primary 1….and another week of fabulous learning opportunities going on at home.

Here are some…..

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We had great fun testing things that could sink or float!!

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We read the book Kevin, then watched a video about the illustrator and we had a go at these drawings!!

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I found all these words with the diagraph ‘qu’!

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My story of 8!!

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I used pencils when I was partitioning 8 today!

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I found lots of words with ‘qu’ in my Katie Morag book!

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I used my LOL dolls to help me do my sums!!

Story of 8!


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Finding words with ‘qu’ in them!

Well done Primary 1….another great day of home learning!!

Primary 1 Loves Fridays!!

The end of another fantastic week on Google Classroom, and another wonderful week of learning at home….

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These are the things we found that sank and floated in water!

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We pretended that the floor was lava…my sister joined in too!!

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We made an nature art picture…with our whole family!

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My sunflower is starting to grow!!

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My family made a nature picture!!

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I made a den!!

Have a fantastic weekend P1….see you all on Google Classroom on Monday, stay safe


Mrs McKenna & Thomas

On Thursdays we clap!

Here we are again….another Thursday and another week to be very thankful.

I am also very thankful for all the fantastic learning going on at home on Google Classroom.  Well done Primary 1 your are stars!!

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Writing out my common words!

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Measuring how many hands my sister is tall!!

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Writing out my common words using coloured pens!

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My brother and I were working very hard on our egg box challenge!

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Writing out my common words!

Writing out my common words in different colours!

Another great day……see you all tomorrow!