Wet Wednesday!

A bit of a Wet Wednesday, but it hasn’t dampened all the great learning going on in Primary 1 today. Here is a selection of some of the great activities which are going on at home…

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Sorting my toys into groups of 2!

Displaying 29 Apr 2020 at 10:10

Doing my Google Classroom tasks, looking for common words, grouping my pens in to groups of 2!!

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Putting my soft toys into groups of 2!

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Reading my Class Rules!!

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Putting my Barbies into groups of 2!

Displaying 29 Apr 2020 at 12:38 pm

Making a chart to count how many times we could find our common words in our book The Very Noisy  Night… we found 0 ‘us’!!!

Displaying 29 Apr 2020 at 12:32 pm

Having fun doing Supermovers…..mummy joined in too!!!

Displaying 29 Apr 2020 at 1:53 pm

Super movers is sooooo exhausting!!!!


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My mummy drew a picture of a motorbike, and I coloured it in green and tried not to go out the lines……I think I did a good job!!!

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Doing some painting with my sister and mummy.

Another great day and another day of great variety of learning going on at home!!! Love seeing your photos….keep them coming!!!