Hello everyone, Thank you for sending me your pictures, keep up the good work
I’ve really enjoyed looking at all your towers this week , they are fab.You all used different things to make your tower. Hope you all tidied up after.
Here is P1 Caleb’s tower. Loving all the colours, well done.
This is Grace’s tower from P5. The tower is taller than you. Good use of all the boxes in your house.
Here is Jamie’s tower, loving the saucepan at the top. Well done to you both.
Lucas made 2 towers! One was made with 6 pillows and 8 cushions and his other tower has 137 blocks. Well done., a big thumbs up.
These are from Megan, your bedroom is full of lovely bright colours and I especially like your tidy cupboards
I love seeing flowers in nature too, makes me smile.
Here are Morgan’s pictures of her bedroom and gratitude list.
Fab Morgan, loving the dance mat, piggy bank and library. A hug is the best thing ever, love getting and giving hugs.
Caitlyn copied out the 5,4,3,2,1 mindfulness task on her blackboard. Great blackboard writing.
Enjoy the weekend everyone. keep safe and have fun. Miss Begg