Christmas celebrations are now well underway at Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery. Next week we have more parties, Christmas lunch, pantomime, classroom decoration activities and the launch of our class Christmas video productions.
Quick Christmas reminders
Christmas lunch – Christmas lunch must be pre-ordered. If you have not ordered Christmas lunch for your child and they are not bringing a packed lunch from home, please phone Mrs Rankin in the office to discuss arrangements. There are no sandwiches or baguettes available from the school kitchen on Christmas lunch day. The only lunch options in school are roast turkey, steak pie or vegetarian roast.
Christmas panto – children may bring a small snack and drink for the panto. Please do not provide your child with a fizzy/ sparkling drink or any snacks containing nuts.
Christmas performances – each class will upload their Christmas parent presentation on Friday 18th December during the school day. I will post an announcement on Twitter when it is available. You need to be able to log into Google Classroom to get the link. If you have any difficulties logging in, please contact Mrs McGee as soon as possible.
Uniform – Children are welcome to wear something Christmassy on Wednesday for the pantomime and lunch. This should be in addition to school uniform. For example, a Christmas jumper with full uniform below. There are Christmas jumpers and accessories (pre laundered and quarantined) available in school for children who do not have access to a Christmassy item at home. Children should continue to wear school uniform for the rest of the term. Tuesday 22nd December is not a dress down day.
Ms Harper is joining the Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery staff as Acting Depute Head Teacher. She will take over from Mrs Gallacher until the end of the summer term. Ms Harper will teach in Room 9 with Mr Currie and will have a full leadership remit. There will be some changes to the leadership team remits and this will be shared in next week’s blog.
I am pleased to share that the school now has 8 additional chromebooks for short term loan whilst pupils are self isolating. This means that any child who is isolating and would not have access to a chromebook or laptop at home can request one from school for their period of absence. We have also arranged for another 4 pupils to have chromebooks on long term loan to support their learning. As soon as the resources are available in school we will arrange the distribution to families.
School winter clothing allocation
The school has a small budget to purchase winter weather clothes for children. It can only be used to provide children’s clothing and the school must purchase the items. It is not possible for families to request cash from the school to purchase items themselves.
If you are experiencing financial difficulties and need support with the purchase of winter jackets and accessories (hats, scarves, gloves), warm outdoor PE kit, winter footwear (boots for snow / heavy rain), warm tights / socks, cardigans/ jumpers then please email or phone Mrs French (Monday – Thursday only). These items can be supplied before the end of term.
Financial Support
South Lanarkshire Council is pleased to announce financial support for families of children entitled to the free school meals (FSM) benefit. You must be eligible through the means tested benefit system not receiving free meals because your child is in P1-P3. If you are eligible for means tested free school meals but have not claimed as there is a universal provision of free meals in P1-3 then you will not be able to claim the following financial supports. The following link will confirm eligibility and provide a link to apply:
Winter fuel payment– £50 per household (not per child) will be paid to you directly if your child receives a free school meal. You do not need to apply for this as it is a direct payment by 11th December
Winter payment – £100 per child payment to families where children receive free school meals to purchase essential items (food, fuel etc). You do not need to apply for this as it is a direct payment by 21st December
Free school meals while self isolating – £30 per child to cover the cost of provision of school meals while the child is self isolating. Backdated payments cannot be requested. This is paid at the end of the self isolation period. Short periods of isolation (awaiting test results) are not eligible for payment. To qualify, the child must have been advised to self isolate by trace and protect or test positive for Covid 19. There is no need to apply as this is a direct payment made towards the end of the two week isolation period.
Free school meals during school holidays – £30 per child payment will be made to support parents in the provision of lunch over the Christmas holidays. There is no need to apply for this as it is a direct payment made by 22nd December.
Free school meals for clinically vulnerable pupils instructed to shield by NHS – If this situation arises then a payment will be made to support families in the provision of lunches. This payment will only be made when supported by a letter from the Chief Medical Officer stating the child should not attend school.
£500 self isolation support grant – £500 one off payment will be made if you receive low income benefit and are employed / self employed and will receive reduced earnings as a result of having to stay at home and look after your child while they isolate. You must apply for this grant during the period of self isolation. Please apply directly by contacting the Community Wellbeing Team on 0303 123 1009
More information about the benefits can be accessed by clicking the link below :
Primary One admissions – August 2021
Children who reach their 5th birthday before 1st March 2022 should register for school week beginning 11th January 2021. It is anticipated that the enrolment process will be fully online this year.
You are required to produce a full birth certificate and two proofs of address to complete enrolment Children are required to enrol at their catchment school. If you would like your child to attend a different school, a placing request can be made.
Please use the following link to check the catchment school for your home address:
Information about placing requests can be found using the following link:,time%20during%20the%20school%20year.
Whilst we cannot offer our normal tour of the school, there will be a virtual tour available online. Prospective parents of Heathery Knowe PS are welcome to call and discuss any aspects of learning and teaching, organisation and resources available and we will try our best to help. If you know of neighbours with children eligible to enrol for Heathery Knowe Primary School, I would appreciate if you could share this information.
Improving attainment in Writing
I am pleased to share that we have purchased new resources to support learning and teaching in literacy (writing). Mrs French, Mrs McGee and Mrs Hughes lead this curriculum area and will share more information in the new term about the steps taken to improve attainment in writing.
What’s on next week?
Monday – Room 5 party
Tuesday – Room 4 party
Wednesday – virtual panto
Wednesday – Christmas lunch
Wednesday – Room 3 party
Thursday – Room 2 party
Friday – Room 1 party
Friday – Nursery party (AM and PM groups ) children should attend normal session times
Friday – launch of Christmas class videos on Google Classroom
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards
Kirsty Duff