Week 22 at Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery

The children have enjoyed the snowy weather and wintery conditions this week with some fabulous creations made from snow out in the playground.

Changes to Highway Code 

Changes were made to the Highway Code from 29th January 2022. One of the changes is particularly important around the school access areas. We appreciate everyone’s efforts to keep the children safe on the roads around the school.

People crossing the road at junctions

The updated code clarifies that:

  • when people are crossing or waiting to cross at a junction, other traffic should give way
  • if people have started crossing and traffic wants to turn into the road, the people crossing have priority and the traffic should give way
  • people driving, riding a motorcycle or cycling must give way to people on a zebra crossing and people walking and cycling on a parallel crossing

Traffic entering and leaving the school vehicle gate should be particularly vigilant for pedestrians crossing as they now have right of way over vehicles.

World Book Day 

This Thursday is World Book Day and Heathery Knowe PS Literacy working group has planned exciting activities for children in school. World Book Day aims to inspire young people and foster a love of reading. As in previous years, children should not dress up for World Book Day at Heathery Knowe PS and should wear full uniform.

World Book Day will launch Heathery Knowe Primary School’s sponsored readathon. Children will read for 30 minutes a day from 2.30-3pm from World Book Day until Wednesday 9th March.  Funds raised will be used to support the development of an outdoor library and reading space in the playground.


We take a pride in our school and encourage children to wear uniform every day. In recent weeks there has been an increasing number of pupils wearing tracksuits and hoodies to school rather than school uniform. If you have any difficulty accessing or purchasing uniform, please contact Miss Wharton. We have a healthy stock of new and pre-used uniform to distribute as required.

School uniform is a blue polo shirt or school shirt with school tie, grey or black trousers or skirt and a grey or maroon sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan.


It is understandable that Covid has significantly impacted pupil attendance at school and parents are, on occasion, cautious about sending their child to school during the pandemic. The number of pupils attending less than 85% of the time has doubled over the past year. Non attendance at school has a considerable impact on a pupil’s attainment and social wellbeing. Parents have received letters if their child has attended less than 85% of the time this year.

Over the next two weeks, parents will receive a letter if their child attends less than 90% of the time. The target rate of attendance for all pupils is over 95%.

If you would like to check your child’s attendance level, please contact the school office.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Kirsty Duff


Week 21 at Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery Class

I hope everyone enjoyed the long weekend. The children seem refreshed and ready to begin the next six week block of learning.

Smaller Group Teaching

From Monday 22nd February, children and teachers will follow new timetables that facilitates smaller group teaching across year groups from P3-7. Mr Loveday will support the teaching literacy and numeracy with Primary 3 in Rooms 4 and 5. Mrs Kerr will support teaching literacy and numeracy with Primary 4 in Rooms 5 and 6. Mrs Furrie will support teaching literacy and numeracy with Primary 6 in Rooms 8 and 9. Primary 5 and Primary 7 will be assisted by a member of the school support staff team.

Supported Study in Numeracy and Mathematics

Primary 7 supported study continues on a Thursday afternoon. Children have an opportunity to refresh their knowledge and revisit concepts through this after school club. Primary 4 numeracy supported study for a targeted group of learners begins this week. Children who are part of this intervention group have a letter home inviting them to attend supported study.

Chess Club

One of the Primary 7 pupils suggested that we start a chess club at school. I am delighted that 35 children from P4-7 have expressed an interest in the game. Chess develops strategic thinking, problem solving skills and concentration, all of which are required to be an effective learner. The chess club will run on a Wednesday lunchtime. Children who expressed interest have an information letter for their parents.


Children have all been reminded through the Head Teacher’s letter that the toilet areas cannot be used for eating, playing games or chatting with friends. Staff will supervise access to the toilets over the next few weeks. Children in Primary 1 have designated toilets and P2-7 share the other toilets during break and lunch. I would appreciate if you could reinforce this important message to your child.


All classes are visiting the library and Waterstones book shop as part of the literacy curriculum. We are pleased to be able to return to learning in the community and further afield with reduced restrictions in place.

Next month Primary 4 (Room 6) will visit Alloway as part of inter-disciplinary learning about Scotland and Robert Burns.

Primary 7 are attending a residential weekend at Lockerbie Manor in May.

Placing Requests

Placing requests for August 2022 (Primary and Secondary) must be submitted by 15th March otherwise they will be considered a late application. Placing requests can be made using the following link:


Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Kirsty Duff

Week 20 at Heathery Knowe Primary School and Nursery Class

The children have shown resilience over the past two weeks while a number of permanent staff members have been absent from work.  The visiting teachers have commented on the positive manner in which the children have conducted themselves during a difficult time.

Student Teachers

Over the past two weeks we have welcomed four student teachers.  Whilst students are on placement, class teachers supervise their planning and assessment to ensure best outcomes for children. It provides an opportunity  for additional support and smaller group teaching in classes.

Mrs Cowan is teaching with Miss Wharton.
Miss Leitch is teaching with Mrs Munn.
Mr Mitchell is teaching with Mrs MacOwan and Mrs Hughes.
Ms Robertson is teaching with Mrs McGee.


The school continue to ensure proportionate measures are in  place to reduce the risk of Covid transmission.

P2-7 have returned to a 9am start with classes assembling in lines from 8.55am.
P1 will continue to enter class from 8.45am to get organised for the day ahead.

All children will return to a 12.30-1.20pm lunch break. Zones now allow children to mix with children of similar stages and an opportunity to play with others outwith the class bubble.

Assemblies will be able to take place again however Heathery Knowe will initially only increase to  a few classes joining together.

Lunch Clubs

The children provided an update on lunch clubs in a recent blog.

All classes have an opportunity to attend the library on a rota.
P6 and P7 children can attend ‘Into Film’ club.
Younger children can attend Sumdog computer club.
Chess Club will start over the next few weeks.

Mid-Term Break

School and Nursery are closed on 14th and 15th February and there is inservice training on Wednesday 16th February. Children return to school on Thursday 17th February.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Kirsty Duff


Week 19 at Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery Class

This has been another busy week at Heathery Knowe, as it was the first week of our new lunchtime clubs. This week’s blog has been written by our P7 pupils.

Heathery Knowe Football League by Andrew

At Heathery Knowe we play in a football league run by Mr Wilson, our Janitor. When he comes back from being sick, P5 to P7 will start the first league of 2022. Mr Wilson is also a referee so he referees the football league. The Football League will run from Monday to Wednesday. On Thursday and Friday P1 to P4 will have the Muga pitch to play in.

Film Club by Karli

Our ‘Into Film Club’ is a lunch time club for P6 and P7, where we watch films and chat with friends about them.  P7 are enjoying watch The Greatest Showman and P6 are enjoying Coco. Film Club finishes after lunch time and it is a great experience.

Library/ Reading Club by Maison

The Library/Reading club is open to all children.  Each class will have a lunchtime slot where they can come up and get a story read to them or they can come up and pick a book to read.

Primary 5’s also enjoyed their first week at their after school multi-sports club where they will get the opportunity to try a variety of different sports.

Have a lovely weekend.

Week 18 at Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery Class

This week marks half way through the school session. Teachers have been focusing on the breadth of curricular experience for learners as we continue to implement the recovery plan in response the pandemic.  Over the next few weeks, teachers will start writing pupil progress reports to update parents on their child’s progress in learning this session. Reports will be issued to parents on Friday 18th March.

Home Learning 

We appreciate the continued support of parents as we implement the education recovery plan.  To ensure the best success for your child, please support them to complete all home learning activities, read for a short time every day and make use of Sumdog digital learning to practise core skills.  Most teachers make use of Google Classroom to set homework.

Infant enrolment and classes for next session

I have emailed all new and existing families who have registered a new pupil for Primary 1. Families who live within the catchment are automatically allocated a place at Heathery Knowe Primary School. The next process is for South Lanarkshire Council to review all placing requests. Once this process is completed, we will be aware of the intake of Primary One pupils to Heathery Knowe PS in August 2022. Once the intake is confirmed then the structure of the other classes is reviewed in terms of the number of classes overall, size of classes and number of composite classes required.

Induction days for new Primary One pupils are 1st and 8th June. The moving on afternoon for all other pupils is Friday 17th June. I hope to share new class information with parents on Wednesday 15th June.

Residential Experience

Primary 7 children are provisionally booked to attend a residential experience from 6-8th May. No money has been requested at this stage and we are hoping for further guidance before any deposits are paid.   It is likely that parents will need to organise their own travel insurance to cover any covid related absence from the trip (For example, if your child tests positive and cannot attend the trip).

Mrs French is meeting a member of staff from Lockerbie Manor in February and will update Primary 7 parents after this meeting.

Money Matters 

Money Matters offer free, confidential and impartial advice – they can help check your benefit entitlement, assist with the claims process, challenge decisions and represent you at Social Security appeal tribunals. For debt issues they look at your financial circumstances, contact creditors, discuss options and give budgeting advice; Contact number: 0303 123 1008

The Telephone Advice Line offers a similar service specifically aimed at pregnant women and families with young children; Contact number: 01698 453154

Thank you for your continued support

Kind regards

Kirsty Duff

Week 17 at Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery Class

Everyone is settled back into school routines and learning.  Most classes are learning about Scotland this term and are enjoying the learning focus. Primary 6 and 7 children are participating in a ‘Discovering China’ ten week learning programme in partnership with SCILT and University of Strathclyde. They are learning Mandarin and about the culture and traditions of China.

Covid 19 Update

The following steps are still in place to reduce transmission risk:

  • Children play and learn in class groups. Children do not mix with other classes at break and lunchtime.
  • There are regular hand sanitising and hand  washing points during the school day.
  • Windows are opened to ensure ventilation.
  • Children sit in designated seats at lunch tables.

Outdoor and Indoor Clothing 

At the mid way point of the year, I would appreciate if you could check that your child has suitable indoor shoes and waterproof clothing for school. If you need support or assistance with purchasing these items, please contact Miss Wharton.

Free Bus Travel for 5-21 year olds

All young people and children aged 5-21 years can apply for a card from 10 January to access the Young Persons’ (Under 22s) Free Bus Travel Scheme from 31 January.

Children will need a new National Entitlement Card (NEC) or Young Scot NEC card with the valid free travel entitlement with them whenever they want to take the bus – otherwise they have to pay for their trip.


If you live in Scotland and are 5-21 years old, you are eligible for a card giving you free bus travel from 31 January. Children under 5 years old already travel for free on buses and don’t need a card. Applications for cards open from 10 January. However, you are being asked only to apply at this point if you need to make essential journeys by bus.

Children and young people aged 5−21 years old will need a new or replacement National Entitlement Card (NEC) or Young Scot National Entitlement Card (Young Scot NEC) before hopping on board. Previously issued cards will not allow access to the scheme.

The Transport Scotland website provides all the information needed to apply.

Key Messages

  • Applications for the scheme opened on 10 January. However, please only apply if you do need to make essential journeys by bus from 31 January.
  • All other eligible applicants will be encouraged to apply at a later date when the situation with the pandemic has improved.
  • Even if you already have a National Entitlement Card or Young Scot National Entitlement Card, you must apply for a new or replacement card to be able to travel by bus for free.
  • Information on how to apply can be found on the Transport Scotland website
  • If you do have to make an essential journey by bus, you must follow the latest Scottish Government COVID19 guidance at all times.

Free School Meals

Free school meals are now available for children up to Primary 5. Unless you have claimed a means tested free meal entitlement then milk costs 20p per day. Fresh water is always available for pupils if they do not choose to purchase milk.

Primary School and Nursery Registrations

Nursery registration is now open for eligible children using the following link:


School registration remains open for late applicants using the following link:


Nursery transfer request information can be found using the following link: https://www.southlanarkshire.gov.uk/info/200184/early_learning_and_childcare/556/transferring_to_another_nursery

Primary and Secondary school placing requests can be made using the following link;


Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Kirsty Duff

Week 16 at Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery Class

I hope all families had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year.  We are looking forward to welcoming all children back to school for the start of the new term.

Staffing update

Miss Meek will teach P2/1 in Room 2 and Mr Loveday will follow Miss Meek’s flexible teaching timetable for the remainder of the session.

Mr Loveday will teach P3/4 in Room 5 on a Thursday and Friday. Mrs Gray has been working additional days to cover and will revert back to working Monday – Thursday from the end of January.

Mr Loveday will teach P2 in Room 3 one day each week and P3 in Room 4 one and a half days per week. This provides additional targeted support for learners and covers the class teacher’s planning and preparation time.

Primary 1 Registration

South Lanarkshire Council is registering pupils for Primary One .  New pupils can be registered using an online form. Parents must register for their catchment school even if they are making a placing request or deferring their child’s start date. The link to school registration is below:


Within the form, there is a question enquiring about whether parents are making a placing request to a school of their choice. By clicking yes, it asks parents to name the school the placing request is being made to. Schools cannot make a placing request application on behalf of the parents. It is necessary to fill out a placing request form using the link below if you do not wish your child to go to their catchment school.


Once a child is registered for Heathery Knowe PS, I will send a confirmation email to let parents know that their application has been received.  We are looking forward to meeting new Heathery Knowe pupils starting school in August 2022.

Secondary School registration

Parents of Primary 7 pupils have already received a letter letting them know where their child is registered for secondary school. Placing requests can be made to a school of choice using the link below:


Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Kirsty Duff

Week 15 at Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery

The children at Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery have had a very busy and fun filled week. Parties and celebrations continue into next week. The children should continue to wear school uniform when attending school.  If your child has a party, they are welcome to bring a change of clothes.

Season’s Greetings

On behalf the staff team at Heathery Knowe Primary School and Nursery Class, I would like to wish everyone a restful holiday. For Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery families who celebrate Christmas, I hope you have a very happy Christmas day and enjoy the celebrations.

Art Exhibition

I extend my thanks to everyone who supported the art exhibition. The focus on visual arts this term has allowed all children to develop their creative skills and expression through art and it has been a very rewarding experience. All children have wrapped their art to gift to a family member this Christmas. We hope the art work is displayed and appreciated in its new home. If you ever feel that the frame is no longer required, please do not dispose of it. It can be returned to school and will be used again for future projects.


Mrs Anne Connelly has now retired from Heathery Knowe Nursery . Ms Perrett will cover her days until a replacement Early Years Practitioner is appointed to the post.

We wish Mrs Connelly a long and happy retirement spending time with her family and friends.

COVID 19 Information Update

New guidance was  issued to schools on Thursday 16th December, This includes a set of refreshed letters for parents and carers if there is a positive case in school.

Please note that Health Protection Scotland has provided the following definition which helps to explain the high and low risk contacts:

  • For children and young people, a high-risk close contact is most likely to be household members, or anyone with whom they have stayed overnight.
  • For those who are deemed low-risk close contacts, Professor Leitch previously advised that they and their families will want to remain informed and take action to minimise the likelihood of wider outbreaks, and so schools and childcare settings will be provided with information letters with appropriate advice

Classroom and school contacts are low risk contacts and appropriate warn and inform letters will be issued if there is a positive case in school.

School returns on Wednesday 5th January 2022 at 9am.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Kirsty Duff


Week 14 at Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery Class

The children have enjoyed the first week of Christmas celebrations. Thank you to the PTC for a kind contribution to the cost of the pantomime. The children really enjoyed the online performance however we are looking forward to being able to return to the theatre in the future.

Parents have been issued with revised guidance for the Christmas calendar. Unfortunately, the increasing transmission of Covid in East Kilbride area along with uncertainty around the new variant has meant that we have needed to make some changes.

Thank you 

On behalf of all the staff, I would like to extend my thanks to Heathery Knowe PS families. Over the first part of the school session, there has been overwhelming generosity to supply books for the library, bulbs and plants for the garden, frames for the art exhibition, donations of Christmas gifts to support other families and items for the hampers.

We are very grateful for this support and the contribution it makes to improving the children’s experiences.

Support at Christmas 

We are delighted to have made a successful bid for over £3000 to support children and families who may require a little extra support this Christmas. The money will be used to make Christmas Eve boxes with items that benefit children all year round such as new slippers, pyjamas, cosy blanket and book.

If you would like to be considered for this support and have not already been contacted by the school, please contact Miss Wharton.

Art Exhibition

The children  have completed their masterpieces and they are almost all framed. On Wednesday 15th December, they will be displayed around the school and car park area from 2pm onwards. All pieces of art will be arranged in numerical order and your child will have a slip informing them of their number. Please take time to admire all of the children’s art work and encourage your child not only to show you their work but spend time appreciating the work of fellow pupils.

On Friday 17th December, all children will bring home their framed art work. It will be gift wrapped and ready to give as a gift to a family member. If your child has a frame with glass (not perspex) then they will need to be accompanied by an adult to take their work home to prevent any accidents.

Secret Santa Shop

The Secret Santa shop will be open at Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery next week. Children are invited to come to the mobile shop that will visit their classroom to buy a gift for a family member. This is always a very popular event on the PTC calendar and children enjoy choosing a gift to take home and put under the tree. All gifts are wrapped by the PTC and cost £2.50.

If you would like your child to visit the shop, please provide £2.50 (exact cash please) in a clear sandwich bag or bank bag as staff cannot handle cash as part of the Covid reduction measures.  Children will choose and bring home a gift the same day that they visit the shop.

The shop opens on Monday and will run until Thursday.

Profit from this fundraiser will be used to directly benefit the children attending Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery.

End of term attendance 

I have been contacted by a number of families who have made the decision that their child will not attend the last few days of term to allow them to self isolate before spending Christmas day with older / vulnerable family members.  If you have made this decision, please ensure the school office is aware so that they do not send absence enquiry texts to check on your child’s wellbeing.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Kirsty Duff



Week 13 at Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery Class

We have had a very busy week at Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery with many children enjoying showing their creative talents as they prepare for the art exhibition.


On Friday 17th December, Mrs Anne Connelly retires from her post as Early Years worker at Heathery Knowe Nursery.  Mrs Connelly has worked with many children attending Heathery Knowe PS and we will miss her but wish her a long and healthy retirement. I am waiting for confirmation from SLC Head Quarters about how this post will be filled.

Miss Meek continues to teach Room 2 in Mr Loveday’s absence. This will continue until the end of January and it may be that Miss Meek continues as the teacher in Room 2 until the end of the session. I will update parents in the next few weeks.

Infant Enrolment

Children eligible to start school in August 2022 should register using the online form from week beginning 10th January. Parents require two proofs of address and a full birth certificate to register a child for school.

Primary 7 – S1 Transfer 

The data for Primary 7 pupils transferring to S1 is being finalised. If any P7 pupil has changed home address, it must be updated with the school. A child’s home postcode determines which school is allocated as the catchment school therefore it is important that we have up to date details for each child.

Christmas Events 

The Christmas market information and events calendar should be in each child’s school bag this evening. It contains all of the information about the next two weeks in school.

Please contact the school office with any queries.


We are very grateful for all donations received by school. Donations for Christmas hampers can be brought into school next week.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Kirsty Duff


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