This week marks half way through the school session. Teachers have been focusing on the breadth of curricular experience for learners as we continue to implement the recovery plan in response the pandemic. Over the next few weeks, teachers will start writing pupil progress reports to update parents on their child’s progress in learning this session. Reports will be issued to parents on Friday 18th March.
Home Learning
We appreciate the continued support of parents as we implement the education recovery plan. To ensure the best success for your child, please support them to complete all home learning activities, read for a short time every day and make use of Sumdog digital learning to practise core skills. Most teachers make use of Google Classroom to set homework.
Infant enrolment and classes for next session
I have emailed all new and existing families who have registered a new pupil for Primary 1. Families who live within the catchment are automatically allocated a place at Heathery Knowe Primary School. The next process is for South Lanarkshire Council to review all placing requests. Once this process is completed, we will be aware of the intake of Primary One pupils to Heathery Knowe PS in August 2022. Once the intake is confirmed then the structure of the other classes is reviewed in terms of the number of classes overall, size of classes and number of composite classes required.
Induction days for new Primary One pupils are 1st and 8th June. The moving on afternoon for all other pupils is Friday 17th June. I hope to share new class information with parents on Wednesday 15th June.
Residential Experience
Primary 7 children are provisionally booked to attend a residential experience from 6-8th May. No money has been requested at this stage and we are hoping for further guidance before any deposits are paid. It is likely that parents will need to organise their own travel insurance to cover any covid related absence from the trip (For example, if your child tests positive and cannot attend the trip).
Mrs French is meeting a member of staff from Lockerbie Manor in February and will update Primary 7 parents after this meeting.
Money Matters
Money Matters offer free, confidential and impartial advice – they can help check your benefit entitlement, assist with the claims process, challenge decisions and represent you at Social Security appeal tribunals. For debt issues they look at your financial circumstances, contact creditors, discuss options and give budgeting advice; Contact number: 0303 123 1008
The Telephone Advice Line offers a similar service specifically aimed at pregnant women and families with young children; Contact number: 01698 453154
Thank you for your continued support
Kind regards
Kirsty Duff