The children at Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery have had a very busy and fun filled week. Parties and celebrations continue into next week. The children should continue to wear school uniform when attending school. If your child has a party, they are welcome to bring a change of clothes.
Season’s Greetings
On behalf the staff team at Heathery Knowe Primary School and Nursery Class, I would like to wish everyone a restful holiday. For Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery families who celebrate Christmas, I hope you have a very happy Christmas day and enjoy the celebrations.
Art Exhibition
I extend my thanks to everyone who supported the art exhibition. The focus on visual arts this term has allowed all children to develop their creative skills and expression through art and it has been a very rewarding experience. All children have wrapped their art to gift to a family member this Christmas. We hope the art work is displayed and appreciated in its new home. If you ever feel that the frame is no longer required, please do not dispose of it. It can be returned to school and will be used again for future projects.
Mrs Anne Connelly has now retired from Heathery Knowe Nursery . Ms Perrett will cover her days until a replacement Early Years Practitioner is appointed to the post.
We wish Mrs Connelly a long and happy retirement spending time with her family and friends.
COVID 19 Information Update
New guidance was issued to schools on Thursday 16th December, This includes a set of refreshed letters for parents and carers if there is a positive case in school.
Please note that Health Protection Scotland has provided the following definition which helps to explain the high and low risk contacts:
- For children and young people, a high-risk close contact is most likely to be household members, or anyone with whom they have stayed overnight.
- For those who are deemed low-risk close contacts, Professor Leitch previously advised that they and their families will want to remain informed and take action to minimise the likelihood of wider outbreaks, and so schools and childcare settings will be provided with information letters with appropriate advice
Classroom and school contacts are low risk contacts and appropriate warn and inform letters will be issued if there is a positive case in school.
School returns on Wednesday 5th January 2022 at 9am.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards
Kirsty Duff