We have had a very busy week at Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery with many children enjoying showing their creative talents as they prepare for the art exhibition.
On Friday 17th December, Mrs Anne Connelly retires from her post as Early Years worker at Heathery Knowe Nursery. Mrs Connelly has worked with many children attending Heathery Knowe PS and we will miss her but wish her a long and healthy retirement. I am waiting for confirmation from SLC Head Quarters about how this post will be filled.
Miss Meek continues to teach Room 2 in Mr Loveday’s absence. This will continue until the end of January and it may be that Miss Meek continues as the teacher in Room 2 until the end of the session. I will update parents in the next few weeks.
Infant Enrolment
Children eligible to start school in August 2022 should register using the online form from week beginning 10th January. Parents require two proofs of address and a full birth certificate to register a child for school.
Primary 7 – S1 Transfer
The data for Primary 7 pupils transferring to S1 is being finalised. If any P7 pupil has changed home address, it must be updated with the school. A child’s home postcode determines which school is allocated as the catchment school therefore it is important that we have up to date details for each child.
Christmas Events
The Christmas market information and events calendar should be in each child’s school bag this evening. It contains all of the information about the next two weeks in school.
Please contact the school office with any queries.
We are very grateful for all donations received by school. Donations for Christmas hampers can be brought into school next week.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards
Kirsty Duff