Week 31 at Heathery Knowe PS and Nursery Class

We welcomed all children and staff back to school following Spring Break and look forward to the exciting term ahead. There are plans in place for events over the term but these are continually reviewed, taking into account the most up to date Public Health advice.

The Summer Calendar incorporates the following events:



Monday 19th April Breakfast Club re-opens
Friday 23rd April Primary 1 to 3 reports to parents
Monday 3rd May Holiday
Thursday 6th May In-service day
Week beginning Monday 24th May Sport Events
Friday 28th May Holiday
Monday 31st May Holiday
Thursday 3rd June Room 6 celebration afternoon
 Friday 4th June Room 9 celebration afternoon
 Monday 7th June Room 8 celebration afternoon
Tuesday 8th June Room 7 celebration afternoon
Wednesday 9th June Primary 1 Induction Day 10-12pm

Room 10 celebration afternoon

Primary 4 to 7 reports to parents

Thursday 10th June Primary 1 Induction Day 10-12pm

Room 5 celebration afternoon

Friday 11th June 2021 Room 4 celebration afternoon
Monday 14 to

Friday 18th June

Primary 7 celebration week
Wednesday 16th June The Big Write – All children write a letter in class to their new teacher


Friday 18th June


P7 Leaver celebration at 1.30pm

Fun Film Friday for P1 to P6 at 1.30pm

Monday 21st June


Room 3 celebration afternoon

Summer Assembly at 2.15pm

Tuesday 22nd June


Nursery Graduation

Room 2 celebration afternoon

Wednesday 23rd June


Room 1 celebration afternoon
Thursday 24th June Close for the summer holiday at 1pm

(children return on Thursday 12th August)

 Summer essentials

Children participate in outdoor learning throughout the day. In Summer, we request that all children bring a sun hat and sunscreen to school to use as required. This can be kept in their school bag or stored in the classroom.

If you have a summer parasol that fits into the middle of a picnic bench and no longer require it then we would really appreciate if it could be donated to school to create shadier areas. There are 15 picnic tables in the school grounds and we would like to be able to use a parasol for each table in the summer term.

Catering Menu – Summer 2021

The new Summer menu starts on 26th April 2021 at the increased cost of £1.95 per school meal. Milk remains at 20p per day.

You can access the new lunch menu using the following link:


Looking Ahead

The school photographer is booked for 18th August 2021 to take individual and family photographs. The finer details of whether this can be held indoors or outdoors will be decided closer to the time and will reflect up to date Public Health guidance.

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Kirsty Duff


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