Week 9 at Heathery Knowe Primary School and Nursery Class

We have reached the end of the first term of 2019/2020. The pupils and staff have enjoyed exciting learning opportunities over the term. Some of our highlights include:

  • Primary 6 visiting City Halls to hear an orchestra
  • Room 2 learners visiting the Bear Factory to make their class mascot
  • Primary 6 and 7 learners are all reading the novel, “Letters from the Lighthouse”. The pupils are learning about World War 2 and have been using their evacuee names around the school.
  • P1-3 pupils have taken part in Karate taster sessions.
  • Primary 4 pupils showed perseverance and team work while designing junk model rockets.
  • Mrs Gallacher planned a maths fun day enjoyed by Nursery – Primary 7.

We are committed to ensuring the curriculum offered at Heathery Knowe Primary School and Nursery shows breadth and depth with children having opportunities to engage in a wide range of activities both within and outwith the school building.

Student Teachers 

Each year all Scottish schools provide placements for student teachers. This is a valuable opportunity for students, school staff and pupils. Student teachers share innovative ideas and can apply the latest research within the classrooms whilst experienced teachers support and supervise their practice as they develop skill in planning, teaching and classroom organisation. During a student’s placement, there are more frequent opportunities for small group teaching which directly benefits learners.

Within each class, the teacher remains responsible for the overall learning experience and closely supervises the student working with them. Mrs Gallacher is the senior leader responsible for students and co-ordinates and oversees each placement.

When we return from October break, three student teachers will join our school:

Ms Dolan will join Primary 3/4 in Room 5
Ms Dickson will join Primary 3 in Room 4
Ms Donnelly will join the Nursery

We look forward to welcoming Ms Dolan, Ms Dickson and Ms Donnelly to Heathery Knowe Primary School and Nursery Class.

Twitter Update

Twitter is widely used at Heathery Knowe Primary School and Nursery to communicate with parents, celebrate learning and link  with other establishments. You do not need to have a twitter account to view tweets. Tweets can be accessed by searching for accounts below on the twitter website.

The accounts currently used at Heathery Knowe PS are:

@knoweschool – Mrs Duff and all general information (e.g. school closure info)
@HkpsF – Mrs French, DHT
@HkpsD – Mrs Gallacher, DHT
@HK_MrsMcGee – Mrs McGee, Principal Teacher
@HkPS_Nursery – Nursery Team
@Miss_A_Harris – Room 1
@HK_MissH – Room 2
@HMissmcgown – Room 3
@HK_MissDeans – Room 3
@HK_MrsHughes – Room 4
@HK_MissInglis – Room 5
@HK_MrsKane – Room 6
@AudreySpence20 – Room 8
@HK_MrLoveday – Room 9
@HK_MissWharton – Room 10

At the start of each year a slip is sent home to ask permission for children’s photos to be used on Twitter. After the October break, a further letter will be issued to ask parents to complete the tear off slip or email school if they do not wish their child to be included in any tweets. This will provide clarity for the school and ensure each parent’s privacy is being respected.

Bethlehem: The Musical 

Mrs Gallacher is working behind the scenes to get our Christmas show up and running. To minimise disruption to core learning and ensure classes continue to follow routines as far as possible, rehearsals for some parts will  take place as an after school / lunch time activity this year. All pupils will  participate in the show and we are very excited to see it all coming together.

What’s on week beginning 21st October?

Monday – HT attending Together We Can and We Will training
Tuesday – HT attending SLC Head Teacher Conference
Tuesday – Room 10 are visiting an Amazon Warehouse and Sky Studios to develop skills for learning, life and work.
Wednesday – Room 1 learners are participating in an exciting learning experience to Glasgow City Centre to visit the Bear Factory. They will travel on the bus and train into the city.
Wednesday – Room 8 Curling Taster session at the ice rink
Wednesday – All teachers participating in Dyslexia Identification Pathway training

Thank you for your continued support.

Kind regards

Kirsty Duff






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