Yesterday for our last session, we wrote a post on Mrs Duffy’s blog then continued to add backgrounds on Pivot Animator. Thank you to those children who offered to share their finished animations. Congratulations to all those who achieved Course 2 certificate in P5 (and some even achieved it in P4!) I hope the rest of you will continue to progress through Course 2 and maybe I’ll see some other certificates posted on the class blog.
Remember you can also continue with Scratch tutorials or other Scratch activities. If you forget your username/password, ask Mrs Duffy to photocopy P5 scratch usernames which are on the wall. It has been my pleasure teaching you and I hope you have learned lots.
PS don’t forget to update your e-portfolio!
On sunday I went to the royal concert hall for a ukulele class called rock that uke and I was to young but the children class were to easy for me.
on the weekend I went sledging with my big brother at dog hill and it was so good and I went right into the bushes it was so funny and me and my brother built a ramp and I went up the rap it was so much fun
on Thursday the class made igloos in groups but I missed it because I was sick
On Thursday we all made igloos our group failed because we did not have a roof but other groups did
I woke up this morning and my snowmans head was gone
on Wednesday I made a snowman it took about an hour to make I am surprized that it lasted 5 days and I woke up this morning and no head
in code I am on lesson seven number nine artist sequence. its difficult but fun.