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News Reporters week commencing 18th March

The news reporters this week are Evie and Lucas.

Last week Charlotte brought us the story of Claire’s Accessories who have recently had some of their products, such as eyeshadow, removed from the shelves.  When these products were recently tested, it was found that some of them contained asbestos, which is a cancer causing fibrous material.

Paige informed us that Red Nose Day began in 1988 and helps to raise money for charities such as comic relief.  So far, 40 million red noses have been sold in the U.K.

Thank you girls for those very different but interesting stories.

News Reporters week commencing 11th March

The news reporters this week are Charlotte and Paige.

Last week Kayla brought us the story of 2 Californian girls who went missing for 48 hours when they got lost walking on a deer trail with their parents.  Their Youth Club training came in handy to help them survive.  The girls ate cereal bars, drank water from leaves and used a rainjacket to shelter under.  Thankfully the girls were found safe and sound but have learned from their experience not to stray past the safety markers.  Thank you Kayla!

Sienna told us that the first World Book Day took place on 2nd March 1995, with the first official one being on 7th March 1996.  Ireland was the first country to host one and there are now more than 100 countries who participate.  Thank you Sienna for giving us more information on this special day that we celebrated this week!

Jack Rutherford informed us that today, the space capsule will undock from the International Space Station and return to Earth.  This was an interesting choice Jack but next time try to give us some more facts as everyone was keen to find out more.

Homework week commencing 11th March

Homework this week is as follows:

Spelling – LSCWC 3 times, one activity from front inside cover and Spelling City website. Please make sure that you do all 3 activities!!
Maths – place value worksheet.
Reading – as always, try to do at least 10 minutes per night. You can swap your Home Lending library book anytime you wish, just ask Mrs Duffy.

World Book Day 7th March

As part of World Book Day, we had a special visit from the author Luisa Mannering.  She is the author of a special English and Spanish bi-lingual book.  She read the story to us, taught us some Spanish, asked us some questions and showed us some Spanish objects.

Hollie was fortunate enough to win a copy of her book in a prize draw.  Congratulations Hollie!


News Reporters week commencing 4th March

The news reporters this week are Kayla and Sienna.

Last week Lewis Sime brought us the story of Prince William and Kate’s two day visit to Northern Ireland.  They went to see Irish football being played and were presented with football tops for their three children.  They also visited an outdoor activity centre where children can take part in activities such as canoeing.  Thank you Lewis for this very interesting story.


Homework week commencing 4th March

Homework this week is as follows:

Spelling – LSCWC 3 times, one activity from front inside cover and Spelling City website. Please make sure that you do all 3 activities!!
Maths – place value worksheet.
Reading – as always, try to do at least 10 minutes per night. You can swap your Home Lending library book anytime you wish, just ask Mrs Duffy.

Show – Remember to bring your costume in by Thursday 7th March at the latest

Homework week commencing 25th February

Homework this week is as follows:

Spelling – LSCWC 3 times, one activity from front inside cover and Spelling City website. Please make sure that you do all 3 activities!!
Maths – place value worksheet.
Reading – as always, try to do at least 10 minutes per night. You can swap your Home Lending library book anytime you wish, just ask Mrs Duffy.
Music – continue to familiarise yourself with the words to our songs for the upcoming Pop Around the World show in March

Homework week commencing 18th February

Homework this week is as follows:

Spelling – LSCWC 3 times, one activity from front inside cover and Spelling City website.

Maths – no maths homework this week to give you time to rehearse your solo talk.

Science – space solo talk (due in 22nd February)- please read over the information sheet you received.

Reading – as always, try to do at least 10 minutes per night. You can swap your Home Lending library book anytime you wish, just ask Mrs Duffy.

Music – begin to familiarise yourself with the words to our songs for the upcoming Pop Around the World show in March

No homework week commencing 11th February

Due to the short week, there will be no homework this week.

Last week, Sophie brought us the story of a giant fat berg which has been discovered in a sewer in Devon.  The fat berg is 64 metres long and is made up of fat, grease and wet wipes.  This has reminded us all that we shouldn’t put these items down sinks and toilets.

Ross brought us an update to the Emilio Sala story.  The Air Accidents Investigation Branch have confirmed that a body has been recovered from the wreckage of the plane.  It was removed on Wednesday night and has been passed into the care of the coroner.  It is not yet confirmed if this is the body of Emilio or the pilot.

Thank you Sophie and Ross for these news reports.