We celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as a character from a book and/or sharing our favourite books with others. We focused on the author of Horrid Henry, Francesca Simon and did some fun activities related to her books.
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Football coaching 25th February
Making energy balls 29th January
Fruit and Veg tasting Thursday 21st November
Today we listened to the author, Emily Mackenzie, read her story ‘There’s broccoli in my ice-cream’. Afterwards, we tried some broccoli along with sweetcorn, green beans, mango, pineapple and blueberries. We talked about which were our favourite and which ones we did not particularly enjoy. Well done to everyone who tried something new today!
Special reward!
Last week, we filled our class sticker reward chart. We were given a few rewards to choose from such as No Homework, A visit to the park and an extra playtime but the majority decided to vote for watching a movie in class. So, this Friday (15th) everyone is welcome to bring in any DVDs they wish (rated Universal only) and the class will vote and watch that day.
Well done everyone for working hard to fill our chart. I hope you enjoy your reward!
Making chocolate dipped apples – Tuesday 5th November
Dear P3 Parents and children
Welcome to our P3 Blog! The Blog is an excellent way to connect home and school by allowing you to:
- be kept updated on life in class
- view photos of the children at work and taking part in special events in school
- access a variety of maths, language and topic games to further enhance learning at home (I can add more if requested)
- ask a question about homework or any other general queries
I hope you enjoy using the Blog and we look forward to sharing what we do.
Kind regards
Mrs Duffy
Thank you parents and children!
Just to say thanks so much for all my beautiful gifts. They are very much appreciated.
I hope you all have a fabulous summer and wish you all the best for P6.
Mrs Duffy
Homework week commencing 17th June
Homework this week is as follows:
Spelling – LSCWC 3 times
– One activity from front inside cover
– Spelling City website
Please make sure that you do all 3 activities!!
Art – for art this week, you need to bring in a disposable plastic bowl, like the type you get fruit salad, pasta, dips or coleslaw in. It needs to be clear plastic and can be any size. The labels need to be off so that no writing is visible.
Reading– as always, try to do at least 10 minutes per night. You can swap your Home Lending library book anytime you wish, just ask Mrs Duffy.
Homework week commencing 10th June
Homework this week is as follows:
Spelling – LSCWC 3 times
– One activity from front inside cover
– Spelling City website
Please make sure that you do all 3 activities!!
Maths – multiplication worksheet. We are doing division in class so keep practising your times tables too!
Reading– as always, try to do at least 10 minutes per night. You can swap your Home Lending library book anytime you wish, just ask Mrs Duffy.