All posts by Ms Duffy

News Reporters week commencing 29th April

The news reporters this week are Hollie and Bobby.

Last week Cacy brought us the really inspiring story of a 10 year old girl named Sarah from America.  Sarah was born with no hands but recently won the National Handwriting Award.  She has learned to grip the pencil in the crook of her arm.  Thank you Cacy.

Brooke also brought us a really inspiring story about a Scottish girl named Amy who has received the Young Scot Art Award for her comic book, the ‘Mystery Club’.  Amy has been publishing her comic since she was 11 and went to lots of different shops to ask if they would stock it.  Thank you Brooke.

Homework week commencing 29th April

Homework this week is as follows:

Spelling – LSCWC 3 times
–  One activity from front inside cover
–  Spelling City website
Please make sure that you do all 3 activities!!

Maths – addition worksheet.

Reading – as always, try to do at least 10 minutes per night. You can swap your Home Lending library book anytime you wish, just ask Mrs Duffy.

News reporters week commecing 22nd April

The news reporters this week are Cacy and Brooke.

Last week Luke brought us the story of the Clean Up Britain Campaign which runs from 22 March – 23 April 2019.  The campaign calls on Litter Heroes across the country to help improve the environment on their doorstep.  Already, over 500,000 people have been inspired to join forces this year – in partnership with community organisations, businesses and the government – to collect and safely dispose of litter from our streets, parks and beaches, recycling as much as possible.  Thanks for this report Luke.  Maybe it will inspire some of us to join in!

Homework week commencing 22nd April

Homework this week is spelling and reading.

For spelling prepare for your big 20 test.  Look over all of your words from the 18th February to 15th April but focus most of your time on those you got incorrect in your tests or found tricky to learn = LSCWC 3 times, 1 activity from the front inside cover (NEW ACTIVITY SHEET THIS WEEK), Spelling City website.  Please note all 3 activities should be completed!
For reading, try to read 10 mins per night of a book of your choosing or go on the Magickeys website again.

News Reporters week commencing 15th April

The news reporters this week are Luke and Alana.

Before the holidays, Lucas and Zainab both reported on Brexit.  Zainab told us that the vote to leave the E.U was originally in 2016.  Three years later, Britain have failed to exit on the proposed date of 29th March as a deal has yet to be agreed.  Lucas informed us that companies are panicking about what Brexit may mean.  The Irn Bru company have been stockpiling ingredients in anticipation of problems occurring.

Thank you Lucas and Zainab for this very interesting update.

Book Review week commencing 25th March


Give your review by answering questions such as:

Which category did you choose from on the Magic Keys website?

Which story did you choose

Why did you choose the story?

Was it what you expected?

What did you enjoy most about it?

What genre is it?

Who would be likely to enjoy it?

Is it similar to any other story you have read?

Are there any bits you didn’t like or would change?



Homework week commencing 25th March

Homework this week is spelling and reading.

For spelling follow the usual structure = LSCWC 3 times, 1 activity from the front inside cover, Spelling City website

For reading, go onto the website below, choose a story to read and give your review of it by replying to the question on the Blog above this post.  The books are sorted into 3 categories, young children, older children and young adults so please make sure that you choose a story that matches your reading ability:

Homework week commencing 18th March

Homework this week is as follows:

Spelling – LSCWC 3 times

One activity from front inside cover

Spelling City website

Please make sure that you do all 3 activities!!

Maths – money worksheet.
Reading – as always, try to do at least 10 minutes per night. You can swap your Home Lending library book anytime you wish, just ask Mrs Duffy.