All posts by Ms Duffy

P2/3 Welcome caterpillars to the class

Our topic this term is Butterflies.  As part of our topic, each child today was given their own baby caterpillar.  We have all had fun naming them and watching them wriggle about and eat their food.  We are looking forward to seeing them grow and spin their chrysalis.  In a few weeks time when they are butterflies, we are going to take them outside and release them.  We will keep you

updated with lots of photos!

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Fairtrade Breakfast

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New links for French and Maths

I have now added in a French game and a Maths Place Value game to the links on the left hand side.  Topics you might want to look at on the French website are the world (weather), school, numbers and colours.  If there are any other areas that you wish me to find links for then please don’t hesitate to ask.

Teambuilding in P.E

Here are some photos of the children taking part in a teambuilding exercise in which they had to get their group across the ‘swamp’ using only three hula hoops.  The children have been doing these types of exercises for several weeks now and thoroughly enjoy them.  They know that in order to solve these problems they need to be creative, communicate and work as a team.20160302_100524 20160302_100726 20160302_101425 20160302_101026

Hallside Library Revamp

The Hallside Library was reopened yesterday after a big revamp.  Our class was invited along today to see what changes have been made.  Two very helpful P6s told us all about the five different zones in the new library such as the listening station and the online books zone.  We also learned that each of us will be issued with our own library card  to check out books once a month and take them home.  It was nice to have some time afterwards to choose a book and enjoy the new surroundings!


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