Eco-Schools Green Flag

We have recently been awarded our Eco-Schools Green Flag and we couldn’t be more proud of all the children, staff and families that have helped us get there! Throughout the last year, we have been working very hard towards earning our first Eco-Schools green flag. We have our very own eco committee within the nursery and have even got our own Halfmerke Eco Song that the children enjoy singing, to encourage us all to reduce, reuse and recycle and to help make the world a better place and to help care for our environment. We have taken part in litter picks, to help encourage and reduce litter within the environment and have used these opportunities to recycle different materials and learn about how this can help and benefit our planet. We also have been focusing on healthy living and being able to plant and grow our own fruit and veg, we hosted our own Planet Picnic within the nursery to encourage the use of local and home grown fruit and veg and locally sourced resources.  We have spent a lot of time developing and improving our eco garden within our nursery by planting and growing and have got our own compost bin to make our own nutrient-rich soil for planting. We have spoke about saving energy within nursery and at home, turning out the lights and reducing the amount of water we use and waste throughout the day. The children are aware of the food bins we use and have became confident and responsible citizens, being able to reduce, reuse and recycle daily.

We are so proud of everyone who has been involved and has helped us develop our eco garden and supported us on this journey, we look forward to continuing this journey to develop and look after our environment to make our world a better place for the future!

Well Done Team Halfmerke!

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