Can someone please tell me… what is the Anthropocene?

Can someone please tell me… what is the Anthropocene?

You may have heard of the word ‘anthropocene’ when people talk about the climate emergency. But what does it actually mean? And should I be worried?

What is the anthropocene?

The term anthropocene (say an-thro-po-seen) is a word used by geographers and climate scientists to describe right now in history where humans (anthros) have become the most important thing shaping the Earth’s climate.

Climate change is happening right now, and it is being caused by human actions such as burning oil, gas and coal. This is causing all sorts of negative effects such as rising global temperatures and more extreme weather.

But what about the weather?

Scientists have been able to find out about the increasing temperatures of the planet in the last century. This has helped them to work out that humans have caused changes to our weather.

It is not just the weather humans have affected.

What else have we affected?

Our planet has layers around it to protect us from the sun and its harmful rays. Scientists have been able to to see that since humans have started to use more energy, like fossil fuels, this has damaged these protective layers.

This means that the delicate balance of the planet has been knocked off.

How has it been thrown off?

Colder places are getting warmer and hot places are getting even hotter. The planet is getting drier. The seas are rising.

Should I be worried?

This may seem scary but the work that these scientists have done has also come up with solutions. These include things like using what we have in a greener way, replanting forests and restoring peat bogs, and using new technology to cool the planet down again.

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