Chinese Tea
Drinking tea:Tea is taken as a beverage to quench thirst.
Tasting tea: The quality of the tea is judged by the colour, fragrance and flavour of the tea, the water quality and even the tea set. When tasting tea, the taster should be able to savour the tea thoroughly.
Tea Art: While drinking attention is paid to environment, atmosphere, music, infusing techniques and interpersonal relationships.
Chinese tea lore is several hundred years, possibly even thousands of years, older than that of Japan. It is said that Chinese tea lore places an emphasis on spirit and makes light of form. Tea lore had different representations at different historical periods. Teas are also various, but all embody the tea spirit of “clearness, respect, joy and truthfulness.
Green Tea:
At every meal green tea is served. The Chinese have been drinking this for 1000s of year and very rarely they suffer dehydration. Green tea is a refreshing drink to have to cool you down and also to clean your system.
Green tea is made from unfermented leaves which are dried and baked immediately after they are picked in order to remove their grassy smell and keep their original flavor. Both the color and the soup (after being steeped in the teapot) of baked green tea are green, hence its name, whereas a cup of green tea features clear soup with green leaves.
Green tea makes up over 50% of China’s tea market share, which not only has many nutritional substances, such as polyphenols, caffeine and catechins, but it also has effective health functions. It has a high medicinal value and is therefore used as both a beverage and a medicine in China.