All posts by Ms Bernstein

University visit: afternoon ping pong lesson

We tried, we really did,

This boy is only 10 years old!!!!

University visit: morning martial arts lesson







A beautiful day spent in Jinan at the springs then the Old City

At the  springs we sat and dipped our feet in the fresh cold water as it was 38 degrees.  A couple of pupils ended up dipping more than their feet.

Our evening meal was sampling traditional  dishes from this Provence.  Thankfully not a single deep fried bug in site.
Continue reading Jinan โ†’

Messages from the pupils

  • Parents, carers

This is an anonymous blog post
You donโ€™t know who is writing this blog โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ.
It could be children that resemble bright red tomatoes, or children that are driving Mrs Bernstein into being the crazy dragon lady, or children that are making Mr Somers and  Mrs Innes-Jenkins smile.
Who knowsโ€ฆ.

Today, on June 18th we have experienced a traumatic event
Some of us have eaten, cockroaches.

We have  visited a Chinese high school, There school has bridgesโ€ฆ And Larkhall academy has a zebra crossing!
It was a very educational experience, we learned how hard the kids have to work, they start their day at 7:40am and finish at 11 at night
We struggle to get out of our bed at 8!

However, on a serious note.
We met Jins parents tonight Continue reading Messages from the pupils โ†’

We are all fine

Some of you will have seen on the news headlines that there has been an earthquake in China. Please be assured that we are nowhere near it and are in no danger.

We are all having a great time. Presently we are having a little rest before heading out to learn the art of paper cutting then Jinโ€™s parents house for tea and watermelon.


Day 5: We have climbed Mount Tai

What a fantastic day weโ€™ve all had today.

After breakfast, we got the bus to Mount Tai which is north of the city of Taiโ€™an, in the Shandong province of China.

We had a breathtaking cable car ride up the mountain before walking the rest of the way to the summit. The top of the mountain had some of the most fantastic views we have ever seen and the kids were so proud that they all made it to the very top!

Lunch was a buffet at the top of the mountain before we got the cable car back down and commenced our drive to our next destination โ€“ Zhucheng City.

We checked into hotel number 3 and had a fab dinner here with more than 10 different options to choose from, including a very random plate of toastโ€ฆ

Bed time now before another full day of activities tomorrow.



Day two

17897 steps walked

Great wall of China explored (well a tiny bit of it).

Toboggan  ride back down.

A beautiful stroll through  to the Summer Palace.

144 bottles of water have been drunk since our arrival

everyone is tucked up in bed as tomorrow we say goodbye to Beijing after we have visited Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City

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