Messages from the pupils

  • Parents, carers

This is an anonymous blog post
You don’t know who is writing this blog ……….
It could be children that resemble bright red tomatoes, or children that are driving Mrs Bernstein into being the crazy dragon lady, or children that are making Mr Somers and  Mrs Innes-Jenkins smile.
Who knows….

Today, on June 18th we have experienced a traumatic event
Some of us have eaten, cockroaches.

We have  visited a Chinese high school, There school has bridges… And Larkhall academy has a zebra crossing!
It was a very educational experience, we learned how hard the kids have to work, they start their day at 7:40am and finish at 11 at night
We struggle to get out of our bed at 8!

However, on a serious note.
We met Jins parents tonightand at least 75% of us cried, it was inspirational. We are happy we could make their day a little bit better

We also went to an art centre, some of us took part in calligraphy , painting and paper cutting however the paper cutting couldn’t have been funnier !

But then…
we ventured to a restaurant, where.
We saw octopi and we ate insects.
They were salty , the people that never tried the insects should definitely give them a go. ♦

Your sincerely,
The China team

4 thoughts on “Messages from the pupils”

  1. This is fantastic! As a parent I was very worried about my son being in China without me, I would let him do this all over again it looks like it has been the trip of a life time.

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