Nursery Learning Pack

Lots of things to help you learn at home and share with family


Please remember to pick up your nursery learning pack. It is full of lots of things to help you learn at home, fun ideas to play with family,  fun and free websites to help you learn and there is even a recipe book full of yummy things you could try to make at home.


Miss Mcmenemy

Hello and Welcome!

Hello and welcome to our BRAND NEW and exciting Nursery Class Blog.

We will be able to use this space to share the children’s learning, daily goings-on in Nursery and share photographs of the children learning, playing with friends and having lots of fun.

We will be able to post what the children are doing in Nursery and use this as a platform to share and receive information important to the children’s learning.

If you would like to share anything your child is learning at home then you can share photos via the nursery class email and these can then be shared on our blog by a member of staff.

Nursery email –

You can make your own blog account and join in. Making a blog account means that you can comment on items posted and see what your children are getting up to.


We look forward to sharing more with you at home.

Thanks for your continued support


Cairns Nursery Team.

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