We can not wait to welcome our nursery children back tomorrow.
One more sleep to go. Make sure you are all organised and have an early night so you are ready for a fun filled day tomorrow!
Lead, learn, aspire, achieve
We can not wait to welcome our nursery children back tomorrow.
One more sleep to go. Make sure you are all organised and have an early night so you are ready for a fun filled day tomorrow!
Week beginning 16.8.21
This week’s lunches
Calling all Nursery pupils – new and returning.
We would love to see what the boys and girls have been up to over the summer. Please tweet pictures of your child outside nursery and please use the @CairnsPS as well as #slc1140, @SLCEarlyLearn will pick them up and retweet them and SLCEarlyLearn may also share on their Facebook page! #milestones
Love Cairns Nursery Team
Hi Everyone,
We hope you are all well.
We hope you had a lovely summer and made the most of the great weather we had. We are so excited about our return to nursery and can’t wait to see you on Monday.
The ladies has made a very special video for you! Use the link below to access their message.
Please use the links below to access each groups Graduation videos-
Please use the link below to access this week’s learning
Please use the link below to access the slideshow for this week’s learning
Please fine the link below to this week’s slideshow
There is a new backdrop planner for the children’s learning. We will be focussing on Outdoor learning. The children have been enjoying our outdoor area and are eager to spend more time outdoors. We will be developing our large grass area with the help and input of the children.
Important events this week-
Story of the week
This week we will be looking at ways we can be kind to others as well as how we can be kind to ourselves.
Link below to the story-
Please use the link below to gain access to last week’s learning
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