Last term we were working hard, settling in and learning new routines. This lead to the children expressing their emotions and feelings as they built relationships with their peers and keyworkers. They explored different feelings and learned new words to help them express themselves and seek help and support when needed. They are growing in confidence when it comes to expressing themselves and this is great when following their interests and planning for progression.
They have worked hard and done a great job of learning routines and they are growing in their independence skills everyday. Well done!
As the children have been spending lots of time outdoors they have shown an interest in the change of season. So to start this term the children will be focussing on Autumn, the changes it brings to the weather and how our environment looks and lots of other learning experiences that come with this. Of course we will be following other interests that the children share in nursery and planning experiences to meet their development needs.
We are looking forward to the term ahead with lots of exciting things happening.