Hello room 6!
Look at how big our caterpillar friends have gotten over the last week. They are now 3cm long and very active. They wriggle and move around their tub, eating and growing constantly! As you can see there is silk thread all over the tub too. This is what the caterpillars will wrap around themselves to make a cocoon. They produce this themselves. I will take a photo as soon as they have done this. I think it will be quite soon now.
Lottie is very interested in them. Dogs have a much stronger sense of smell than us humans and she can smell them! We can’t smell a thing from them! Quite often she’s on her hind legs trying to see what these strange creatures are in the tub and we have had to put them up high so that she can’t get them.
This is officially the last week of school, and so I won’t upload any more Studyladder.
We have learned lots about In our Under the sea topic.
- We began by naming the 5 oceans of the world and placing them on a world map.
- We looked at the different oceanic zones, and were able to describe the characteristics of each zone as well as their names.
- We learned about what creatures live in each zone and why.
- We had opportunities to make various sea themed crafts when we watched Let’s go Live.
- We created PowerPoint presentations/ leaflets about a sea creature of our choice.
- We learned about life-cycles of various creatures both on land and in the sea.
- We investigated food chains and created our own. Wow Room 6 you are all officially experts in all things Ocean related! I’m very proud of you all for taking part in so many of these activities. I hope you all have a fabulous holiday and am looking forward to seeing you back in school in August! Mrs Mirner 🐠🐠