Good morning everyone and welcome back 👋👋👋
I hope you’ve all had a lovely spring break and I imagine your still working your way through all that chocolate if the Easter bunny visited your home! Mani has had a lovely time. We got him a new playhouse for the garden which he loves and spends most of his day just opening and closing the door, lol. The Easter bunny actually left some eggs in it for him but i’ll be honest it was a bit of a disaster!! Lubo was very cheeky that Easter morning and decided to jump through the open window of his playhouse to steal them all before Mani could get any 🙈 Oh well I guess a baby shouldn’t really be eating too much chocolate anyway although neither should a dog 🤭 Thank goodness we caught him before he could eat them all 😂.
This week sees the start of term 3 and while it still feels very strange to not be welcoming you back in school, Mrs Graham and Mrs Mirner will do our best to give you enough work to keep you busy and learning, as well as still having time for lots of fun. Most of what we will set you will build on what you already know and if there is the odd new thing, say for example a new times table or spelling rule then it should be straight froward enough for you to learn using strategies you already know and use. We will continue to set most of your work for the week on a Monday to allow you to choose when is best for you to do it however it is likely that Mrs Mirner might add some extra learning on a Thursday or Friday too.
Remember a good structure for each day might look like this;
- 1 numeracy task (i.e. a worksheet, website game)
- 1 literacy task (i.e. diary, book review, spelling game)
- Personal reading (roughly 15-20 minutes)
- Exercise/fresh air (i.e online exercises, playing in the garden)
- 1 other activity (i.e art, ICT, music)
As always this is a balance for us all and each of your families’ situations are different so please just do what you can. Don’t worry if you don’t get all the activities completed, we know you are all trying your best.
This weeks learning tasks are as follows;
- Reading – if possible try and read every day. This is the most important thing you can do at home and 15-20 minutes each day is perfect. Personal books are great but remember you could choose to do your reading in other ways for example 15-20 minutes of reading online or from a comic or magazine is just as good!
- Reading comprehension – Click on the link for your reading group. If you can print out the sheets it might be easier but don’t worry if you can’t as you can just copy from your computer and complete in your home learning jotter. **Dahls, Rowlings and Roz – ‘conjuctions’ are the same as connectives and ‘clause’ just means extra information included in a sentence that gives you a better understanding. ***Kinneys you will probably need an adult or big brother or sister to help you read the poem. If you don’t have a printer you could copy & draw the pictures from the comic book strip on paper, cut them out and then put them in order. This might be more fun actually!
Dahls, Rowlings & Roz comprehension task 1 GR_Angry_Cat
Kinneys comprehension task 1
- Writing – this time capsule activity is a fun way of sharing our thoughts and feelings during these difficult times. Have a go at as many pages as you like and think about a special place you could place yours if you do wish to send a real time capsule into the future. Again if you don’t have a printer just copy the ideas into your jotter.
2020 Covid-19 time capsule sheets.pdf
- Handwriting – you should have your handwriting booklet at home with you. We might all be at different pages now so please just complete the next page you are at.
- Learn Its – here are new ones for each group. I don’t believe you have these ones at home so please just take them from here. If you are still a bit rusty with the previous ones then please keep on practising them too. Use a variety of strategies to help you learn these. Particularly with the x tables there are lots of online games such as hit the button on topmarks that can help you learn them.
- Circles : Step 7 (3+8, 3+9, 4+7, 4+8, 4+9) and the 10x table
- Triangles: Step 9 (5+9, 6 +9, 7+9, 5+7, 5+8, 6+8) and the 2x table & Step 10 (3x table)
- Squares: Step 10 (3 x table) & Step 11 (4 x table)
- Triangles and Squares – click on this link for some multiplication activities. You might need an adult or older sibling to help read through some of the learning reminders as well as to get you started.
Multiplication Traingles & Squares
- Circles – click on the link for doubling activities. You might need an adult or older sibling to help read through some of the learning reminders as well as to get you started.
Doubles Circles
- Time worksheets for each group. The answers are at the end of each file so don’t be tempted to peak until the end!
Circles time worksheet
Triangles time worksheet
Squares time worksheet
Again if you have a printer and are able to print off these sheets then that might be easier for you to complete. Don’t worry if not as you can just write the answers into your home learning jotter. Also don’t worry too much about the setting out either, just do what you can and try to remember how we would do this in class.
As before there are plenty of cross curricular activities that you can do online throughout each day, here is a reminder of just some of them.
Remember there are also activities and games on the blogs from previous weeks, which if your still enjoying should keep on doing, as some of them are great for consolidating previous learning.
The weather is to be lovely all week so if you have a garden make sure your spending lots of time there, you might even want to do some of your home learning tasks outside. If you don’t have a garden then make sure your managing to keep active at home as well as enjoying your daily outdoor walk/exercise.
If you need any help with any of the activities Mrs Graham has set for you then just let me know as I will be checking the blog each day.
As always stay safe and take of yourselves.
Love Mrs Graham xx
PS This was Mani helping write your blog for this week 😂😂.