Curriculum for Excellence

At Biggar Primary School, we aim to develop the four capacities for Curriculum for Excellence


Successful Learners

Enthusiasm and motivation for learning.  Determination to reach high standards of achievements.  Openness to new thinking and ideas.


Effective Contributors

An enterprising attitude.  Resilience.  Self reliance.


Responsible Citizens

Respect for others.  Commitment to participate responsibly in political, economic, social and cultural life.


Confident Individuals

A sense of physical, mental and emotional well-being.  Self respect.  Secure values and beliefs.  Ambition.


What is Curriculum for Excellence?

Find out more from Education Scotland

How To Help Your Child Become: 

Successful Learners

  • Play word and number puzzles with your child (eg.Scrabble, Crosswords, Sudoku)
  • Use CDs, DVDs, tapes, MP3 players to learn tables, alphabet etc)
  • Encourage your child to use construction toys like Lego, K’Nex
  • Teach your child to use technology in the home eg. toaster, microwave, digital camera
  • Talk to your child regularly about their learning
  • Encourage your child to share what they have learned with others eg. grandparents


Effective Contributors

  • Listen to and talk to your child about different ideas
  • Find different ways for your child to communicate with others and encourage them to practise these eg. write a letter, send an e-mail, learn a few words in a different language
  • Encourage your child to be open to new ideas
  • Vary the way your child learns eg. DVDs, internet, books, drawing, mind-maps
  • Encourage your child to share problems with you and to list possible solutions
  • Encourage your child to break large tasks into smaller pieces and tackle small parts at a time


Responsible Citizens

  • Encourage your child to find out about Scotland, its history and its place in the world- visit places of interest
  • Help your child to become involved in charity work or to find out more about a particular charity
  • Encourage your child to listen to the views of others and to respect other peoples’ points of view
  • Discuss rights and responsibilities with your child
  • Talk to your child about the importance of recycling, saving energy and water
  • Encourage your child to find out what it means to be “Green”


Confident Individuals

  • Encourage your child to be well organised eg. pack their own school bag, bring gym kit
  • Encourage your child to use their diary as a planner
  • Encourage your child to walk to school
  • Encourage your child to be fit and healthy- take regular exercise, eat a balanced healthy diet and get enough sleep
  • Encourage your child to make good choices about behaviour
  • Help your child to learn new skills
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