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Settling in Policy & Procedure

Ballerup embraces the aims set out within the Scottish Early Childhood, Children and Families Transitions Statement. This guidance ensures a shared understanding on the impact of transitions on children’s lives and allows us to embed the six principles of effective transitions to ensure families are fully supported when settling into nursery.

The following 6 principles remain at the heart of all decisions that are made in order to fully support children and families during the transition period.

  • Aspirations
  • Expectations
  • Opportunities
  • Entitlements
  • Participation
  • Contribution


The initial induction process allows time to build a relationship with the child and family, provides opportunity to understand family values, what their expectations of the service are and to ensure care plans are completed to a high standard to ensure a child’s needs are met fully right from the start, and that transition from home to nursery is as seamless as possible.

During induction, families can expect to complete comprehensive care plans fully taking account of all possible health and care needs of children, receive a tour of nursery and campus and be provided with information regarding nursery entitlement and holiday dates. Families are also provided with a nursery handbook which details the many ways in which they can be involved in their child’s learning journey and the life of the nursery.

Induction and Settling In

The Induction and Settling In policy is aimed at making your child’s induction into nursery as happy as possible and to enable families to reach an understanding of the values, procedures and organisation of our nursery. We hope that it will provide you with the information you will need to work in partnership with us and that you find the information useful and informative.

It is essential that every new child should settle into the environment of the early years setting at a pace suitable to his/her own age/stage of development. The child should feel comfortable, secure, cared for and confident while enjoying their experience.


  • For children to feel ‘Safe, settled and valued’
  • To ensure that children feel welcomed and at ease in their new surroundings, as quickly and seamlessly as possible.
  • To maintain communication with families and be flexible to family needs and circumstances.
  • Intake is staggered to allow children to settle in with adequate adult support.

Induction Day

When you arrive for your child’s induction you will be greeted by a member of nursery senior management team. There will be opportunity for your child to meet their keyworker while you complete your child’s care plan and emergency contact details. Your child will have opportunity to play at this time. A member of management will take this time to provide a tour of nursery and answer any questions you may have.

Settling In

At Ballerup Nursery we have a settling in procedure which is flexible to the individual needs of the child. This process can often take around 2 weeks but in some cases can take longer. During this period we require you or a family member to stay with your child during this time. Your child’s keyworker will advise you of times which can be flexible where possible to meet family needs and circumstances.

First visit -The first visit will last for around ½ hour with parent/carer or significant adult accompanying their child throughout this time. There will be an opportunity to meet the staff team within the playroom, have a play and become familiar with the environment. We encourage the first visit to be no longer than the hour in order to ensure a positive experience for the child and for it to not be overwhelming. This has a positive impact on the next stages of settling in as children remember nursery as a happy experience and look forward to returning.

Second visit – This visit will follow the same procedure as the first visit but can be extended up to 1 hour if this is appropriate to the needs of the child.

Third visit – 1-hour visit depending on your child, parent/carers may be able to have a cup of tea/coffee in our Family Room for a short period of time. Your child’s Key worker will advise from this stage and moving forward.

Ongoing settling in – When you child is becoming increasingly settled and you are able to leave the nursery, you must be contactable and able to collect your child at short notice in order to ensure your child does not become distressed as this may impact on their future settling in sessions.


Please note: your child’s full nursery sessions will not commence until they appear fully settled and that they are managing the transition into the nursery setting. Charges will not apply until your child is settled within their sessions and you are able to leave them to be cared for in nursery.