Ballerup Nursery Centre
Crosshouse Road
East Kilbride
G75 9DG
Tel. Number : 01355 236737
e-mail address:
Twitter Page: @BallerupC
Nursery Times
The nursery is open from 8:00 a.m.– 6:00 pm with the pattern of attendance offered being:
3– 5 years (1140 hour funding)
5x Morning session : 8am -12.35pm
5x Afternoon session: 1pm -5.35pm
2.5 days: 2 days 8am —5.35pm and one half day
Please note 1140 hours is funded for 50 weeks of the year (You can choose
which two unfunded weeks you would like to keep your child off for during the
0-3 years
Morning session: 8.45am—11.55am
Afternoon session: 1pm—4.10pm
Full day: 8.45am—4.10pm
A child becomes eligible for 1140 hour funding the Monday after their third birthday