The Sunshine Room – 2-3 years

Toddlers learn from the people around them and how they are attended to, the environment that they are in and the opportunities it provides. At Ballerup the key worker is a crucial part of each child’s learning environment. By providing a warm, loving relationship they are a secure base from which the child explores with confidence. They gather information from you on your child’s needs, likes and dislikes, developmental stage and interests. We make sure that there is regular dialogue about each child’s changing needs between the key worker and the family. As well as daily feedback we provide termly review meetings with your key worker and invite you to contribute to your child’s developmental record at least twice each term.

Toddlers are very well supported by repetition and routine. Much has changed in their world as they have developed from the baby in arms/ lying/ sitting to the walking toddler. They are no longer the passive recipients of the world presented to them by adults; they are very much on the move and seizing opportunities that they find. They find themselves amongst a peer group doing the same, so we focus on small group activities that support children to learn to share, take turns, listen and wait, with lots of adult support for managing disagreements over stuff and space.

Key workers support toddlers’ play to extend periods of interest and concentration. They model imaginative play and role-plays, such as “tea parties”. The breadth of toys increases to include appropriate puzzles, different construction systems, both large and small, bead game boards and threading equipment. There are table top activities and floor based ones.

There are collections of vehicles, animals, and other objects for small world role play as well as a role play area that might change from a homely kitchen to a restaurant or shop.

Reading, singing and action songs are adapted for toddlers to be actively involved.

Low steps and slopes and soft play blocks are available to develop movement. There are textured mats and cushions to feel and lie or sit on or play with.

Mark making materials; crayons, pencils, chalk and paint are available also glue interesting bits and bobs for sticking.
There is sand and water play and other kinds of sensory and malleable play materials such as play dough and cornflour gloop. Adults engage with toddlers through the provision of a variety of activities that stimulate a wide range of their senses and support active involvement on the part of the child.

There is time outside every day in our garden. Toddlers engage in ball games, small circle games, chasing and catching, as well as the opportunities for exploration and discovery. We draw attention to the features of the natural world, grow plants together and investigate the mini-beasts and animals that we come across. We provide, sand, water, mud play and other types of sensory play. There are large blocks to build with, bikes and scooters and platforms to climb on and develop gross motor skills.


Outside the nursery visits may involve short local walks or journeys further afield, to the local parks to use the play equipment, see more of the natural world; ducks, deer and birds as well as the seasonal plants and mini-beasts throughout our local area. They also visit local libraries, supermarkets and shops for fruit and vegetables for snacks or for food to use in cookery or sensory play.



Toddlers, like all children at Ballerup are observed by their key worker and others to plan and provide for their developmental needs. We also assess their development to ensure that any developmental issues are picked up on and appropriate action taken to support you and your toddler to access additional help if needed.