Week Beg: 2nd December ’19

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Marion, Caitlin R and Carol A/L

Kirsty Watt (teacher) starts today


9am: Tammy at Job evaluation meeting

10am: Wellbeing meeting – RH (Jennifer)

2pm: Playroom observation (Baby room) – Kerry

2pm: New Start: H. Duke (Nicolle)

2pm: Annemarie Hamilton (HV) to see JR


Marion and Julie A/L

Kerry TOIL

9.30am: Ashley (assessor) to see Sharon T

10am: Wellbeing meeting JS

11.30am: Wellbeing meeting FS

12noon: 2-3 planning

1.30pm: Ashley (assessor) to see Ashleigh


2pm: Playroom observation (2-3 room) – Jennifer

2pm: Wellbeing meeting CB

2.45pm: Wellbeing meeting JMcC

3pm: Application


Marion, Sharon H and Jennifer A/L

10.30am: Application – Susan Rooney


11.45am: Chelsea appointment

2pm: Grace in to see Tammy

2.30pm: ASP – F. Dickson (Kerry)


Marion, Amanda and Sharon H A/L

J. McConnell in extra today (8-6)


10.30am: Application

12noon: 0-2 planning

1.30pm: Lind Paul in to see Ashleigh and Sharon


Marion, Amanda and Sharon A/L

10am: Wellbeing meeting – MS

10.45am: Wellbeing meeting AK


12noon: Kerry physio

1.15pm: Wellbeing meeting AM

2pm: Wellbeing meeting RG

3pm: Wellbeing meeting KMcD

3.15pm: Angela leaving for appointment


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Week Beg 25th Nov ’19:


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Jennifer A/L

Carol TOIL

8.30am: Sophie Kean (B ed student in for experience)




8.30am: Sophie Kean (B ed student in for experience)

AM – Jane Muldoonm working with Jennifer and KW’s on wellbeings

9.45am: Maxwellton staff visiting

10am: Application

10.30am: Application

1.45pm: Staff from Maxwellton visiting

2pm: Application

PM: Julie Kiddie in to see JMcC


Julie A/L

Inderpal TOIL


Christmas trees and decorations to start going up in all rooms!!!

10am: Aiken Drum – Scots storytelling (In open area in school)

2pm: Aiken Drum – Scots storytelling (In open area in school)

3.30pm: Amelia Harkin – Highland Dancing

4.30pm: Anita at literacy training


Elspeth A/L

Tammy at Hollandbush all day for support visit

9am: 2 x student nurses in to spend the day

Am: Jane Muldoon working with Amanda and KW’s on wellbeings

2pm: Application

Pm: Christmas Fayre planning



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Tammy at Hollandbush all day for support visit

Caitlin Neil – HND student starting today (Sharon)

Suzy – Keeping in touch day

11am – 1pm: Gerry the piper visiting: Piping outside the nursery for parents collecting at 11.30 and dropping off at 1pm and visiting the playrooms to play and let children use mini set of bagpipes.



Scottish week – WKB 25th Nov ’19

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Monday: Scottish Music and Dancing!!!

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Tuesday: The children will be having a special Scottish Snack and will be baking yummy shortbread!!!


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Wednesday: Aiken Drum (Storyteller) will be performing Scottish stories, songs and poems both morning and afternoon. Also in the afternoon we will be treated to a Scottish Dancing performance by a Highland Dancer!!!

Thursday: Baking – Shortbread and Clootie Dumpling *We would appreciate help in nursery from any parents/carers who enjoy baking*

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Friday: Tartan Day – Children are encouraged to wear tartan and come to nursery to enjoy tasting some Scottish Food and listen to some tradition Scottish music by our friend ‘Gerry the Piper’!!!

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*We are looking for staff volunteers who would like to lead the dancing and baking activities with the children. all help is greatly appreciated*

Week Beginning 18th Nov ’19

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Anita A/L

IT Refresh – All day

In-service Day:

9am – 11am: Staged Intervention (Amanda and Jennifer)


11am – 12noon: 3-5’s: Working on ASP files

0-3’s: Sleep safe update (Kerry)

12noon – 1pm: Lunch

1pm – 2pm: Promoting Positive Relationships and Understanding Distressed Behaviour guidance (Tammy)


2pm – 3.30pm: Staff Meeting




Anita and Alice A/L

9am – 9.45am: Loose Parts update (Tammy and Julie)


*The rest of the day is for evaluating and adapting areas within your playrooms and catching up on learning journals, tracking etc*



Alice A/L


3-5 stay and play: Pink, Red and Purple groups


Marion possible Jury Duty

AM: Julie Kiddie in to see JS and CB

EG starts in 3-5 room today

9.30am: Childsmile – Talk and Toothbrushing

10.40am: Nicolle appointment

1.30pm: Childsmile – Talk and toothbrushing

2pm: Newstart – A. Amir (Caitlin)

3.30pm: Julie Kiddie meeting JMc mum



Alice A/L

Roseann (Glenburgh) and Sylvia (Woodlands) in for National Standard support visit

AM: Jane Muldoon working with Amanda and Keyworkers: Wellbeings

10.20am: Angela appointment

12noon: 0-2 planning

1.30pm: Application – Kingley and Azaria



Ashleigh, Caitlin R and Alice A/L

Roseann (Glenburgh) and Sylvia (Woodlands) in for National Standard support visit

AM: Jane Muldoon working with Amanda and Keyworkers: Wellbeings


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Can you please make sure you use up the majority of your annual leave before the end of the year. If you carry annual leave over into January you will risk losing these days as we cannot always guarantee holidays due to staffing etc.

Annual leave cannot be granted for 1st week in January; this is to ensure consistency and help the children settle back into nursery.

Thank You

Week Beg: 11th November ’19

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Tammy at Rigside and Rural communities nursery all day – National standard support visit

10.45am: Litterpick

2pm: Newstart – H. Duke (Nicolle)



Alice A/L

Tammy at Rigside and Rural communities nursery all day – National standard support visit

10am: Jennifer at Review Case Conference for CMc and CMc

12noon: Janice Tod in to see Jennifer

2.20pm: G. Callaghan consultation – Kerry and Caitlin R



Alice A/L

Yellow and Orange group stay and play

Delivery of new IT equipment for refresh – to be put in visiting services

10am: Liz Ceramic’s – pop up shop in main reception

12noon: 0-3 planning

12.30am: Inderpal at funeral – back afterwards

1pm – 3.30pm: Julie at Literacy across learning

6pm – 7.30pm: Curriculum Evening



Alice A/L

AM – Xmas fayre planning group

9.15am: A. Burke – Nursing student spending the day

9.30am – 3.30pm: Tammy at ELC establishment head meeting



Caitlin S and Alice A/L


10am: ASP – K. McDiarmid


Afternoon – The following computer workstation base units must be removed in preparation for Monday’s refresh:








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