All stakeholders of Auchengray Primary School value:-
- Nurture
- Community
- Creativity
- Achievement
- Respect
These values underpin all activity at Auchengray Primary School and its dealings with the wider school community.
Our vision is to provide all our pupils with education and care of the highest quality which fosters confidence; cultivates personality and talents and develops skills for learning, life and work, ensuring they achieve their full potential in a safe, happy and motivating learning environment which is at the heart of our community.
We aim to have the highest quality teaching in order to promote the most effective learning in the core skills of Literacy, Numeracy and Health and Wellbeing. We strive to ensure pupils are provided with stimulating opportunities and experiences to support their understanding of the world around them. We will endeavour to fully develop the key personal qualities of resilience, perseverance and a positive attitude to learning within all pupils whilst building the future generations of our community.