Fireworks and sparklers!

There was no doubt about the time of year in St. Cuthbert’s this week as firework art and poetry emerged across the school.


On Monday we welcomed one of our local councilors, Monica Lennon, to our Parent Council meeting. Monica was overwhelmed by the range of learning experiences our young children engage in within our school. She was delighted to hear about how we use Glenlee Woods as a valuable learning space.


School improvement was very much on the agenda this week as staff met after school in two groups to discuss Attachment Theory and the development of technologies curriculum within St. Cuthbert’s.


In the classes this week…

Primary 1 are continuing to work extremely hard in class. They were very excited about bonfire night and had a lot of fun creating fireworks pictures. Rehearsals are well underway for the nativity with some wonderful singing being heard.


In Primary 2 the focus has been keeping safe. For homework they made their digital footprints and talked about staying safe online. In class the children wrote Firework Safety rules.


Primary 3 have been practising for their Pet Showcase, using both English and Spanish language! In Maths they have been learning the 4 times table.


Primary 4 have been uplevelling their sentences in their writing. They created a Scottish menu with starters, mains and desserts. They have also been making prayer cards for members of their families who have died.


Green Exercise, keeping fit outside, was being discussed in Primary 5 this week. They have also been remembering those who have died in wars as part of their Remembrance Day celebrations.


Primary 6 welcomed John Wilson, MSP, to their class on Friday. Pupils learned about the life of an MSP. Mr Wilson shared that he enjoyed debating controversial issues with other members of parliament.


Primary 7 could have been missing in action this week! They were out and about most of Wednesday and Thursday. However, as always the reports on their behaviour and attitude were excellent. Well done Primary 7!


They attended the pupil premiere at the Glasgow Film Theatre of ‘He named me Malala.’ It was a truly inspirational film about the right to education for all children. Following on from this the children have been learning about education in different countries and the gender gap. After the film there was a live question and answer session with the star herself! On Thursday they attended the production of The Rifles in Hamilton Townhouse. This depicted life in World War 1 and followed on from study about the First World War these children experienced in Primary 6.

Primary 7b developed the work in class by writing a Remembrance poem, a memorial for the injured and a persuasive argument about the role of women in wars! What a busy week Primary 7!


A special note about Primary 6 this week who displayed excellent leadership qualities in Primary 7’s absence. They willingly accepted roles throughout the school ensuring the smooth running of lunch and interval time. Fantastic work Primary 6!


In the nursery the focus was on colour and sound as the children discussed fireworks and keeping safe. The children also started their new context for learning – dinosaurs!

Great excitement surrounded the arrival of the dinosaurs in all shapes and sizes!


Another week filled with wonderful learning opportunities for or children. This week two classes will share their learning with parents / carers – Primary 3 and Primary 6. Tuesday is also our school Flu Vaccination day for pupils.


Thank you for reading my blog,

Mrs Hendry

Spooky writing and pumpkin soup!

Well there was definitely a theme in our school this week. All the classes embraced the theme of Halloween and ensured that valuable learning was not missed! From spooky tales to pumpkin soup, it was all happening.

Of course the highlight of the week had to be the Halloween Disco on Thursday evening and the party in the nursery on Friday. Once again the children excelled with their costumes. The teachers were not bad either! All had great fun and my grateful thanks are extended to our supportive and faithful parents and our staff for providing these opportunities for our children. Thanks also to Father Bogan for the use of the church hall.


In the classes…

Primary 1 have been hunting for skeletons, ghosts, spiders and bats to help with their counting skills. They wrote horrible witches potions and loved making their Halloween biscuits with Mrs Hall. The children loved their class with all the scary decorations and had a ball at their first school disco!

Primary 2 have been developing their reading skills focusing on making connections with the text they have read. They made some spooky skeletons during their art this week.

Primary 3 wrote spooky stories about Galletas the dog. They have also been busy preparing for their Pets Showcase.

Primary 4 have been learning about God’s Loving Plan. ‘I belong to Glasgow’ was the Scottish Song of the week and they continue to receive replies from some famous Scots for their recipe book. They also recorded Scottish weather this week – rain every day! Typical!

Primary 5 have now completed their swimming lessons and had great fun at their last session. They too have been writing ghost stories and magical spells. They also designed covers for their spell books.

Primary 6 were creating spooky imaginative stories. They used instruments to create spooky music. In art they created a spooky wax resist house.

Primary 7a have been developing their writing using the Halloween theme too. They have started to read the novel ‘Whispers in the Graveyard’, very chilling! A visit also took place to Burnbank library to develop research skills.

Primary 7b were studying Edward Morgan’s Open the Doors poem and then wrote their own poem for our wee school!


In the nursery, the witches ‘den appeared. The water tray was full of yucky slime that the children loved! The children paraded around the school today in their fancy dress and then had great fun at their party. They played Pass the Pumpkin and had a spooky snack! The children also developed their cutting skills in the food room chopping the vegetables for their pumpkin soup!


Challenge – how many times have I used the word spooky! There has certainly been a theme around learning this week in St. Cuthbert’s. Once again I amazed by the wonderful learning opportunities that our staff provide everyday to ensure our children are engaged in their learning.


Many thanks for reading my blog,

Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher

A Marvellous Macmillan Morning!

Welcome back after an October week filled with Autumn sunshine.

What a busy week we have had – as always!


On Friday Primary 1 had invited two police officers to their class as part of their People Who Help Us learning. The two officers arrived a little early so I was accompanied by them for yard duty. There was great excitement in our yard as the police officers spoke to the children all about their job.

Following this exciting interval Primary 7 hosted a superb Macmillan Coffee Morning. Primary 7 organised this event over the past few weeks. They wrote to local businesses for donations for raffle prizes and cakes. They raised money themselves by completing chores at home for a small donation. The money raised was then used to buy materials required for the coffee morning. The whole class walked to Sainsbury’s on Thursday morning and purchased what they needed. Miss Ferrie and Miss McCulloch supported and guided the children superbly well through this wonderful learning experience. On Friday morning the queue of people almost reached Bernie’s shop! The atmosphere in the hall was fantastic and more chairs were found for everyone who attended. A brilliant sum of money was raised. The final count on Friday was £804.17. A superb amount. However, I am informed that the teddy raffle for the children is ongoing so I will update you next week with the final, final amount raised. Congratulations Primary 7 – a super effort from pupils, staff and families.


News from the classes ….

In Primary 1 the best part of our week was their visit from the police. Two community officers came to Primary 1 and spoke about their job. They told them all about the interesting things and many pupils asked very interesting questions! Their favourite part was when they got outside and sat in the police van! It was great fun!

Primary 2 took themselves to the woods on Thursday afternoon. This was part of their learning for literacy and helped them to write their excellent, descriptive Autumn poems. They used their senses to help with their descriptions.

Primary 3 had a visit from Mrs McLachlan and Alfie the dog from the Dog’s Trust as part of their Caring for Pets learning. The children enjoyed learning how to be safe around dogs and how to care for pets. They loved meeting Alfie!

Primary 4 were also out and about this week. They visited Burnbank library where Tracy explained the referencing system of fiction and non-fiction books. Pupils then had the opportunity to organise books using the Dewey system.

Primary 5 have been presenting class talks about The Rainforest. They have started to paint their toucans, focusing on the use of colour. They have been learning about persuasive writing in preparation for their letter writing next week.

In Primary 6 pupils presented their campaign posters to each other and took part in an exciting class debate about what they could do to make Burnbank a better place. They then used these ideas to write very persuasive speeches. The pupils in Primary 6 are very able to voice their opinion – a fantastic skill!

Primary 7a were looking at budgeting and comparing costs. This was part of their learning as they prepared for the coffee morning. Together they made decisions and created shopping lists. One primary 7 pupil told me he loved the coffee morning! He said that he had learned so much about working together with others. Primary 7b were also actively involved in the same activity above. They enjoyed painting their mugs for individual sale.

Well done Primary 7!


In the nursery ….

Fallen leaves have been evident throughout the week. The children used the leaves to make a great den. They spoke about the colour, texture and sound of the leaves. Children enjoyed using the leaves in the creative area where they painted them. At snack the children enjoyed their recently dug up carrots. Some children even took some home.


What a week! A fantastic range of learning experiences for our children throughout the whole school. Primary 3 have started to focus their learning on the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Please support your child in this area and work with staff using the Family Workbook.

The staff have also been meeting to discuss Christmas! It’s that time of year – busy, busy, busy!


Thank you for reading my blog and please feel free to leave a comment.


Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher

Visitors from Amsterdam

Last week we welcomed 11 teaching and health professional from Amsterdam. They were accompanied by staff from Education Scotland and Des Dickson, our Quality Link Officer. The visit was to look at our good practice in the promotion of Health and Wellbeing in our school. The visitors were highly impressed with the high standards of uniform, behaviour and learning of our pupils. They also commented on the professionalism of all staff! They listened to a presentation from myself and Miss McKendry and then toured classes including the nursery. They couldn’t believe the sense of fun that was evident and felt the school was a very happy place to work and learn! Once again, I was immensely proud of our whole school community as we continue to do our very best for the children and families involved in our school.


Last Thursday was One Planet Picnic Day organised by our Eco Committee. All classes got involved in tasting and / or making food using local ingredients. We had jeely pieces in Primary 4 and tablet ice cream in Primary 6. I was assured that staff spoke about the importance of dental hygiene too!


The food room is now a key area within our school and staff and pupils from nursery to Primary 7 are utilising this fantastic resource fully. Mrs Robinson and I love a Thursday when the nursery children always provide a little treat for us – this week it was cookies!


A very important event for the nursery this week as we welcomed Ms Keenan from the Care Inspectorate for an unannounced visit on Tuesday and Wednesday. This was part of the routine inspections for nursery classes. The visit lasted two days and gave the inspector the opportunity to see all aspects of our nursery class. At this time I can say it was a very successful visit and a positive experience for all involved. I look forward to sharing the findings with you when they have been finalised in the report.


The Fairtrade Committee were also out and about this week. They visited the local Co-op to price Fairtrade goods for their Fairtrade Friday shop. More details coming soon.


In the classes ….

Primary 1 have been focusing on emotions and made emotion face pizzas! They also developed art work to show facial expressions too. This week their Primary 1 picture is in the Hamilton Advertiser! Fame at last Primary 1!

Primary 2 went on a sound hunt around the school being inspired by reading the ‘Sound Collector’ poem. They then wrote their own sound poems. They have also been busy at home with their outdoor learning homework looking for Autumn trees.

Pet Promises were made in Primary 3 this week. In numeracy they have been learning the skill of rounding.

Primary 4 have been classifying animals in Science. They have continued their learning about Scotland and created Tourist Posters in writing this week.

Primary 5 have furthered their skills in the swimming pool. Pupils are thoroughly enjoying this experience. They also developed golf skills while working with S3 Sports Leaders from St. John Ogilvie High School.

Primary 6 have been writing letters to local MPs and MSPs to invite them to our school to learn more about their jobs. They loved their homemade ice cream especially eating it in the yard filled with Autumn sunshine!

P7a have been learning about persuasive writing with a focus on animals being kept in captivity or not. They focused on the use of apostrophes for possession and omission.

Primary 7b developed art skills depicting ‘The Witches’ using crumpled and colourful tissue paper.

In the nursery the focus has shifted to the season of Autumn. This week some children pulled their carrots from our discovery pit. They had great fun describing the shape and size of the carrots. The children are going to use the vegetables they have grown to make vegetable soup.

The children in our nursery were very eager to speak to our inspector about their nursery. Ms Keenan commented on the confidence of the children in their routines as they signed in, got busy in all areas of the nursery, washed hands, selected snack and brushed their teeth! Well done to everyone in St. Cuthbert’s Nursery.


What a busy, busy week! Next week we have another visitor from Education Scotland, Ms Olwynne Clark. Ms Clark will be discussing our focus on attachment theory.

Please remember our Attachment Theory Workshop for parents / carers in nursery and P1 on Wednesday 3pm – 4pm. On Thursday we have Parents’ Evening for everyone. Times will be in bags at the start of the week. We will also walk to St. Cuthbert’s Church for mass on Monday morning. Any adult helpers to accompany us should meet in the Parents’ Room at half past 9. Many thanks.


Thank you for reading my blog,

Mrs Hendry


Garden tidy up!

A huge thank you to Miss McKendry, our Acting Principal Teacher,  Mrs Boyd and our Eco Committee, ably assisted by the whole of Primary 7 for tidying up our school grounds. Three parents, Mr Kielty, Mr McVey and Mrs Whitson, also provided invaluable help and support. After all the hard work we look forward to some flowers arriving on Monday providing our school with the positive appearance it deserves.

This week we welcomed 5 pupils from St. John Ogilvie High School who began their Citizenship Placement in our school. We hope they enjoy their experience with us.


We welcomed Father Joseph and Father Bogan this week to our school as they provided the opportunity for our Primary 4-7 children to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation.


Primary 1 have been continuing their hard work with their literacy and numeracy development, learning sounds and numbers. They have been developing their predicting skills by looking into the future of story books. This week they have been learning about the role of the police as part of their study of People who Help us. They enjoyed making their own ID badges complete with photo and fingerprints.

In Primary 2 they read the story ‘His Royal Shyness’ and discussed the emotion of shy. They also talked about confidence. We understand that we are all different and some of us are more confident than others.

Primary 3 have been counting in tens in Spanish and enjoying using this to play bingo. This week they confidently counted to 100. Muy bien!

Primary 4 continue to develop their mental recall using the Learn Its. They have been learning Scottish Songs. The Three Craws are alive and well within Primary 4! They have been furthering their Scottish vocabulary using the National Library of Scotland online.

Primary 5 have been learning about interdependence in shared habitats and begun research for their Rainforest habitats.

Primary 6 are working on their Road Safety Posters. I am delighted to say that all Primary 6 pupils were successful with their application to be nursery buddies. This important learning initiative has begun this week and pupils have thoroughly enjoyed the experience of working within the nursery.

Primary 7a have been learning about respect. They have been learning about the importance of education and comparing their experience with that of those less fortunate.

P7 a and b thoroughly enjoyed taking part in a drama workshop based on a World War 1 production of The Rifles. They were able to show their thoughts and feelings of soldiers and families during the war.


Down in the nursery the traditional tales continue to unfold…..

This week the children learned about the Gingerbread Man. They made gingerbread playdough and used this to create sly foxes. In the Three Bear’s Cottage the children are discussing size and number. The children continue to explore the Giant’s Castle outside and develop their balance skills on the obstacle courses. Agent Handy has visited the nursery to ensure all children are participating in good hand washing routines.   The arrival of the P6 buddies was met with great excitement and the children thoroughly enjoyed getting to know these children who are supporting and developing their own, and the children’s, skills through play.


Yet another busy week in St. Cuthbert’s Primary. Please remember that next week is the September weekend and school is closed on Friday 25th and Monday 28th Sep. No blog either next week.


Many thanks for taking the time to read all that is happening within St. Cuthbert’s Primary School and Nursery Class.


Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher

Engaging with learners

I was delighted to attend the senior Prize Giving at St. John Ogilvie High School this week. I was very proud to see so many former pupils receiving prizes including the award of Junior Dux!

This week I had the opportunity to visit the classes to speak to children about their learning. The children have settled well into classes and routines and were keen to share their experiences.

On Wednesday evening we had two parent meetings. Peter from Ardentinny gave a very informative input about the residential experience for P7. I don’t know who was more excited the pupils or the parents! At the moment we almost have every Primary 7 eager to go.

Following on from this, we held our Primary 1 Parent Workshop. My thanks to Miss McLaughlin, Miss McKale and Miss McKillop, our Home School Partnership worker, for providing an excellent input aimed to enable parents to best support their child at this important time. The feedback about our whole induction programme was very positive. Thank you to the parents who took time to attend.


In the classes ….

Inside Out characters appeared in Primary 1 to help children think about their feelings. They continue to learn their sounds and numbers. In RE Mrs Hall has been teaching the creation story and the children made their very own gingerbread men to help understand that we are all unique. The smell from the cooking room was very good! The children thoroughly enjoyed this activity.

In Primary 2, the pupils are continuing to work hard on their mental recall of numbers to 10. They have also been learning about the months and seasons of the year.

Primary 3 have begun their new focus on Pets. They listened to a story about a lost dog, Galleta, and have started to make posters to find him.

Scotland is the focus for learning in Primary 4. They have been developing their use of the Scots language – this is always a great source of fun. All pupils have set their literacy and health and wellbeing targets for their learning journeys.

In Primary 5 the Rainforest will be the focus for learning this term. They have been using maps to locate rainforests around the world. Some children have begun to use the book circle approach to reading, developing new skills and their independence.

It was interview time for our Primary 6 pupils who applied for the position of Nursery Buddy. Only a few candidates are left for interview this week and then the pupils will be told who has been successful. This initiative was very successful last year with the nursery children and contributed greatly to the successful start of our Primary 1 children.

Primary 7a have been learning about the Spanish festival La Tomatina. They reenacted this in the yard – fortunately with red paint rather than tomatoes! After this activity they used similes and metaphors to write Tomatina inspired poetry. There has also been a focus on children’s rights and consideration about the experience of children in countries like Syria.

In Primary 7b the children have been learning about the daily life of an MP. They will use this information to write a diary for an MP.


In the nursery ….

All of the new children have now arrived and settled very well. Unfortunately quite a few children have been unwell but we hope they return fully fit next week. Out focus is Traditional Tales. So far we have read Jack and the Beanstalk and Goldilocks and the Three Bears.

The children have been creating super displays to go with their work. Lots of learning has taken place outside as children were climbing and balancing like Jack. They were also moving like a giant. What a fright I got every time I visited!

Mrs Hall had children in the cooking room learning to make porridge. It was ‘too hot’ after it was made so the children enjoyed going for a walk and returning to the cooking room when it was ‘just right’!


We look forward to Friday this week – our garden tidy day! We have hired a skip and would welcome any parent with a wheelbarrow to come along and lend a hand. Please contact the school of you can help the Eco Committee and Primary 7.


Thank you for reading my blog,

Mrs Hendry

Let’s get busy!

Everyone within St. Cuthbert’s has settled back into routines.

Primary 1 have now joined us for the full day and a special word or recognition and thanks to our superb Primary 7s who have excelled themselves in their duties this year. They are willingly giving of their time from first thing in the morning supporting our new pupils in the yard, class and dinner hall. This has been a huge support to our teachers and pupils and helped them to have such a successful start to Primary 1. Our school values are clearly evident in the behaviour of our senior pupils.

A big thank you this week to our magnificent staff, especially Miss McKendry (helped by P7b!) and our support staff, who helped tidy and organise our school for the new session. Mr Wyper lost count of the trips to the bin but the result is fantastic. A very tidy and organised school is now ready for all the learning that will take place this year.

From the classes this week …
Primary 1 are doing very well with their routine and lining up in houses. They have been out and about familiarsing themselves with their new surroundings. They have been learning sounds s,a and t and digits 0 and 1.

Primary 2 are creating a Super Learners’ display outside their class that looks well…. super! I look forward to enjoying their super work!

In Primary 6, the children have been learning about the weather in Spanish. They have also been displaying their ‘acts of kindness’. They have been reading ‘A letter to Carlos from your father’ by one of our favourite authors Michael Murpurgo.

In the nursery we welcomed 17 new boys and girls! They all enjoyed finding their peg and tray and proudly wearing their name label.
Our ‘big boys and girls’ loved showing the new children around their nursery. Great fun was had on Thursday when the children were developing fitness in the school hall being ‘mean beans’! What a fright I got when they returned.
The children have been outside everyday and have been learning about the weather! This week we have had lots of different weather to learn about!

Please check bags this week for the first newsletter of the year and a brown envelope containing annual permissions. We would be very grateful if these could be returned as soon as possibly to class teachers.

Finally, we celebrate our feast day and first mass of the school year on Wednesday at 2pm in the school hall. Everyone is welcome to join us, especially our new families that have joined the school.

Thank you for reading my blog,
Mrs Hendry

Welcome to session 2015-2016!

A very warm welcome to the first blog of the new session. It was wonderful to see our children returning looking pristine in their new uniforms and exited to return to school. A special welcome to our fantastic Primary 1 pupils and families. All 30 children have settled extremely well and once again the only tears on the first day were those from the parents!

The school is a slightly different place at the start of this session as we are missing some very well known faces. Mr Gallagher, our janitor and Mrs Collins, our Early Years Team Leader, are sadly unwell. We wish them a speedy recovery and look forward to them returning to the school soon. Mrs McCart has taken up her post of Acting Head Teacher in St. John’s Primary. She sends her best wishes to everyone but has settled in well and is enjoying getting to know the staff, pupils and parents of St. John’s. Miss McKendry has taken up her post of Acting Principal Teacher and has been extremely busy this week in her new role. I’m the glad the sun was shining for playground duty!


One week in and the learning is well underway.

In the classes this week….


Primary 1 have been getting to know their routines and have been ably assisted by their Primary 7 buddies, Miss McLaughlin and Miss McKale. Friday was our Primary 1 lunch day where our parents joined the children for their first experience of ‘school dinners.’! We look forward to the children joining us full day from Monday.

Primary 2 have had fun playing with the parachutes – their favourite is sharks! They have been revising common words and learning some active spelling strategies. They also revised their Learn Its from Primary 1 and played SPLAT to improve their speed!

Primary 3 have welcomed Mrs McCall, one our new teachers this year. They have settled very well and are enjoying reading Georges’ Marvellous Medicine. They have been revising their times tables.

In Primary 4 all children have settled very well. They have been practising their times tables with their white boards. They have been making their art folders for their wonderful work this year and have already been earning many house points!

Primary 5 have been enjoying moving upstairs this year. Mrs McGraw reports of a very busy week making new friends and learning in different ways. Primary 5 started their swimming block on Wednesday and also began music with Mr Johnston. Work has begun on their mind maps from their first topic The Rainforest.

Primary 6 have been working on Problem Solving strategies. They have been learning new active maths games and have just completed their portraits of their class mates.

Primary 7a were busy taking ‘first day selfies’. They are proudly displayed in their cloakroom. They have been creating silhouette art and playing some new literacy sentence games.

Welcome to our new class Primary 7b and their teacher Miss McCulloch, another of our new staff this year. Primary 7b have settled very well into their brand new class. To help to get to know one another they have been writing alliterative poems about summer describing their personalities.


In the nursery we welcomed back our returning children. All have settled well into nursery routine and are looking forward to helping settle our new boys and girls that start this week. Mrs Hall enjoyed her first day in the nursery on Thursday. The children are looking forward to getting to know Mrs Hall over the coming weeks.


What a busy week! Hard to believe we are only back but we look forward to another busy and successful year in St. Cuthbert’s Primary full of exciting learning opportunities for all our children.



Thank you for reading my blog,

Mrs Hendry


The penultimate week awaits!

Well the sun certainly made itself felt this week – summer at last!

The children in school and nursery thoroughly enjoyed the good weather and learning was very much outdoors. Please remember to send your child to school with adequate protection for the summer weather i.e. sunhat, sun cream etc. I would encourage all children to have their water bottles filled with plain water only as the school does become very warm as the day goes on.


It has been an extremely busy week but a very rewarding one as well.

On Monday morning two of our senior pupils attended the South Lanarkshire Council Annual Pupil Award ceremony. They were accompanied by Mrs Dobbin. Amy Sinclair, represented P5-7, and received an award for the Masterclass Programme this year. Jennifer Murray received an individual award for her endeavor and achievement during her residential trip to Ardentinny. Congratulations to both girls – thoroughly well deserved.

On Monday evening I was delighted to share our Standards and Quality report to our Parent Council. This document details all the hard work and progress our school has made this year and the plans for further development next year. A parent leaflet about Standards and Quality will be in school bags this week. Elizabeth King, the principal psychologist for SLC, attended the meeting and spoke to the group about Attachment Theory. This is in relation to work within the school next year. My thanks to Elizabeth for coming along and providing a very informative input on this important matter.

The Parent Council have agreed to buy the school sets of bibles for sacrament classes and a customised welcome mat for the security bubble. These will be very welcome additions to our school and are affordable due to the success of the summer fayre.

Our parents had a very eventful week as on Wednesday they once again organised a super disco for our pupils. Shorts, shades and sun was the theme. A great night was had by all.

On Thursday Mrs McCart accompanied our two finalists to the St John Ogilive High public speaking competition for the feeder primaries. Scott Longmuir and Robyn Macpherson delivered two super presentations on climate change and footballers’ wages. I am thrilled to say that Scott was awarded 1st place overall – fantastic! Well done to Robyn too!

Friday morning welcomed our new intake to the school for the final event of our induction programme this side of summer – our Induction Morning. 25 of our 28 children came along and had a wonderful experience in Primary 1. My thanks to Miss McLaughlin, Mrs Dobbin, our support staff and our Primary 6 buddies who all excelled themselves giving our new intake a super example of what life is about in St. Cuthbert’s Primary. The new intake proudly displayed their learning of Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear when they returned to the hall. My thanks too goes to Mr McVey from our Parent Council, Mr Meek, Credit Union and Mrs Gail McKillop, Home School Partnership, who all contributed to the parent session. We look forward to welcoming our children to Primary 1 officially on Monday 17th August at 10am.


The nursery continue to get ready for summer and have been singing their songs daily. The buddies have also been very busy visiting the nursery as they help to get ready for the summer concert. The afternoon children visited the soft play this week and had a great time.

In school this week children will be told their class for next session on Thursday when they will have the opportunity to meet and spend time with their new teacher. Letters will be in school bags on Thursday detailing classes.

Many thanks for reading my blog,

Mrs Hendry

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