Last week’s news!

Apologies for a late blog this week!


P1a have been working hard in literacy learning the igh / ie sounds and developing their reading skills. In numeracy they have been ordering and finding missing numbers. In ICT we have been developing our mouse control and created some very impressive fire engines! In Science we have been making our own bird feeders.

P1b have been learning the ea sound. In numeracy they have been learning to identify numbers before, after and between to 100. P1b also made bird feeders and hung them up outside in the yard.

P2 have been learning to identify 10 more and 10 less within 100. In Literacy they have been developing their understanding of proper nouns to enhance their writing. They have been exploring healthy and unhealthy snacks and used their touch and taste senses to describe different fruits.

P3 have been developing their reading comprehension skills this week. They have also been gathering data to create a bar graph and interpret the data. During IDL they were discussing the various types of housing in their local area with many children able to identify the type of house they lived in.

P3/4 have been practising their tables and applying them to 2 digit calculations. They have been learning about the safe storage of medicine and the rules about taking medicine. P3 have been busy preparing for their reconciliation.

P4 visited Memories tea room this week and entertained everyone with Willie Wastle and Scots Wha Hae. They have been weather watching everyday to record rainfall and temperatures. They have been developing their knowledge of the calendar and analogue clock face.

P5 have been continuing to develop their mental addition and mental multiplication strategies. They have also been working on 2D tiling patterns. In Literacy they have been describing their settings to enhance their writing. The children have also been introduced to CPR using the Annie dolls and have started to develop their understanding of sensory organs and looked at the different parts of the eye.

P6 thoroughly enjoyed investigating meteors and craters in Science. In Literacy they used a Venn diagram to compare character qualities during reading. They analysed their market research for their enterprise topic and made final changes to their project ideas.

P7 have been learning the skills of skim and scan to summarise text. This was part of their Mock Court project. They have completed their Writ and lodged this with the court! They have also been developing ability to add and subtract mentally to 3 digit places!


Parents and carers are reminded that the latest edition of the newsletter was published on Friday. Please read to keep up to date with our busy school!


Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher

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