A busy, busy 4 days!

It’s amazing how much you can do in a 4 day week!


This week we returned on Tuesday and I don’t think we stopped until last thing on Friday.

On Tuesday Primary 3 headed off to New Lanark and Primary 5 continued with their swimming. Great excitement on Tuesday evening as we had new signage installed in the hall proudly displaying our school name, motto, vision, values and icon of Jesus the Teacher. It is wonderful and brings a real sense of belonging to our school. Wednesday saw our Nursery Admissions resulting in at least 8 full time places being available in our nursery from August 2018. Parents will receive letters next week informing them of the outcome of the ballot. Miss Chen returned on Thursday to continue with our Mandarin and The Eco and Fairtrade Committees hosted a coffee morning to raise funds and awareness. I attended the Junior Awards ceremony on Thursday evening and was delighted to see many former pupils continuing to be successful in all areas of school life. Well done! Finally, Friday arrived, the sun shone, the Summer Fayre was in, then it was out and then the weather sent a very clear message. Despite the horrendous rain our Summer Fayre was a huge success even though it was indoors. Many thanks to our wonderful Parent Council, staff and pupils who all helped in many ways. Thank you to our families for supporting us so well. And a special thank you to the Karen Borden School of Dance who entertained the crowd. What a week!


And in the classes pupils have been working very hard completing end of session assessments in various areas. On top of the busy week and assessments there was still lots of learning taking place. Here’s a brief overview…

Primary 1 have been movie stars making their Life in Primary 1 DVD. This will be showcased on Wednesday during our P1 Buddy Lunch for our new intake. This is a great way for our youngest pupils to showcase their year in Primary 1 and help prepare our newest recruits for August! They have also been sharing their toys and sorting them as part of their learning and further developing their writing of sentences.

P1/2 have been learning about fractions using pancakes! They have also been writing an information report.

P2/3 have also been learning about fractions. They have also been learning how to play rounders and loved playing this outside!

P3 thoroughly enjoyed their time in New Lanark experiencing education as a Victorian Child. They have also been to mass this week and celebrated the sacrament of reconciliation again.

Primary 4 have been calculating fractions of amounts. In health they have been discussing the importance of sleep and a good bedtime routine and in science they have been learning about the skeleton.

Primary 5 have been investigating angles and learning how to use a protractor. They also wrote about their holiday weekend and shared their writing with each other.

Primary 6 have been learning to write characters in Mandarin. They have also been writing a letter from the trenches as a WWI soldier.

Primary 7 have been so busy they missed the blog sheet! I can assure you that during our exceptionally busy week they have not stopped making cakes, hosting coffee afternoons, greeting visitors, selling at the Summer Fayre and completing end of year assessments. They have also begun preparing for end of school celebrations!


In the nursery the focus this week has been on money. Recognising and matching coins and notes. The nursery are also preparing for their end of year celebrations and dance practice is well underway! The nursery are making full use of our new outdoor area and children are exploring and learning in every area. Please remember that our outdoor area is a very sunny spot so children should have sun cream applied daily. Sun cream is available at sign in area for anyone who may forget to put on before leaving the house. All our pupils have hats to wear also.


What a week!

This week coming we have our Buddy Lunch for our new intake on Wednesday at 11am. We also have Sports Day on Friday morning and on Friday afternoon the whole school will participate in the Wear Yellow Walk for St. Andrew’s Hospice around Burnbank. Sponsor sheets were sent home on Friday.


The June Newsletter will also be published this week.


Many thanks for reading my blog,

Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher

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