Welcome back to the final term!

Who can believe that we are now in the final term of session 2017-2018?

It was great to welcome back all our pupils in school and nursery this week. Children always seem to grow over the Easter holidays! Great excitement as our trim trail is underway. Unfortunately, the work has stopped this week but I have been promised that it will finished very soon. Primary 5 were out and about on Wednesday at the Falkirk Wheel. They had a superb visit learning about different modes of transport. Their guide Colin was particularly entertaining I believe!

Primary 4 have been very busy preparing for their First Holy Communion. This take place this Saturday 28th April at 11am and we hope the sun continues to shine as it has this week.


In the classes this week…

Primary 1 have made a fantastic start to learning about take away. In mental maths they have been counting in twos beyond 20! In literacy the focus has been describing words and they will sue these this week in their stories.

P1/2 have made an impressive start to the new term. P1 continue to work on subtraction and P2 are learning about multiplication and division. In literacy their focus has been rhyming words. They have also been looking at Information Reports in writing.

P2/3 have been learning about conjunctions and using these special words to join two sentences together. In numeracy the P3s have been learning to round numbers to the nearest 10 and P2 have been focussing on odd and even numbers. In RE they have been learning the prayer Eternal Rest and remembering those who have died.

P3 have been learning the 4 times table this week. In literacy they have been looking at enhancing their writing with adjectives. In RE they have been learning about the important figure of Joseph of Arimathea and what he did after Jesus died.

P4 have been working very hard on the final preparations for their First Holy Communion. In writing they have been learning about plot and characterisation. In numeracy they have been calculating change from £5 and £10.

P5 had a superb time at the Falkirk Wheel and the Kelpies. They took a trip on  canal boat and learned about how the rotating boat wheel worked. They admired the Kelpies and completed some super observational drawings of them.

P6 have been learning to multiply and divide decimal fractions. They explored the Battle of the Somme as an introduction to their new topic and also to develop their comprehensions skills in literacy. They learned how to tell the time in Mandarin and expanded their knowledge of colours in Spanish.

P7 have been extending their understanding of decimals and angles in numeracy. In Science they have begun their new topic on forces. They spent time this week viewing all 430 photographs of Ardintinny and enjoyed speaking of adventures and experiences they had.

Down in the nursery the boys and girls have been busy settling into old routines – some for the very last time! Some of our pre schoolers were starting their induction this week by visiting the playground during snack time. The children have been busy in the garden tending to their flowers and admiring the plants that have grown. Lots of weeding had to happen this week.


All are invited to our Parent Council meeting on Tuesday, note the change of day, this week at 6.30pm in the staffroom. On Friday 27th April the parish are holding a fundraiser in the parish hall for the roof restoration fund. Please hand in any raffle prizes to the church and go along to the bingo on Friday evening.

Monday is the start of our new Summer Menu. Please see school bags and app for more details. The cost of a meal for P4-7 pupils is now £1.65.


Many thanks for reading my blog,


Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher


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