Autumn has arrived!

Autumn is definitely upon this week as we return to school. The weather has certainly changed. This change has been fully embraced as many of our children have been out and about learning about the season. Please make sure your child is appropriately dressed each day to come to school with waterproof jackets.

All classes have been working on their Christmas Card design. The templates will come home this week for you to order. This was a great fundraiser for the school last year and we look forward again to your support this year.

In Primary 1 this week, the boys and girls are now ordering numbers to 10. They were also out and about in the school identifying 2D shapes. They are continuing to learn about their body and the important organs in science.
There was great excitement in the yard on Friday as we welcomed fire fighters from Hamilton station. Miss Prentice organised this as part of the class IDL People who help us. The boys and girls thoroughly enjoyed the tour of the appliance especially when they got to sit in the driver’s seat and sound the siren. Miss Prentice was very grateful that Primary 2 were impeccably behaved and did not follow the fire fighter’s instruction to ‘soak the teacher’ with the hose. Well done Primary 2!
Following on from the visit from the Dog’s Trust in Primary 2, the children and Mrs Hall have organised a raffle to raise funds to adopt a dog. The boys and girls have organised this enterprise activity and we are all excited to find out the winner this Friday at assembly. I have my tickets ready! In numeracy this week the learning focus has been money so the children have used the raffle as a super way to handle and work with real money.
Primary 4 have been developing their creative writing skills this week. I was working with Primary 4 for a short session and was very impressed with their use of adverbs and adjectives to develop their writing. We look forward to reading their completed stories about the happenings in a haunted house!
Writing remains a focus in P5/6 with pupils developing skills in sentence openers and the use of similes.
Primary 6 began their participation in the Artsnet programme. The tutors were very impressed with the pupils’ application and talent and it’s only week 1 – well done!
Primary 6 have also been learning to tell the time in Spanish. This week their learning about famous scientists culminated with individual presentations.
Primary 7 have been learning to write discussion texts with effective sentence openers. The have also been interpreting and creating databases and using ICT to support this part of their learning.

In the nursery ….

Autumn has arrived in the nursery too! The boys and girls have spent time outside experiencing the change in weather. Discussion then took place so the children could explain how they feel and develop their vocabulary. Miss Jones worked with the children picking up the leaves and talking about their shape and colour. In numeracy this week the focus was on number. Some children were matching and identifying numbers and our older children are able to correctly order numbers to 5 and some beyond!
Mrs Cassidy and Mrs Reilly provided opportunities for the children to develop their pencil control and hand / eye coordination.
The boys and girls thoroughly enjoyed making spiky hedgehogs in the creative area.

A very busy week back full of learning opportunities for our children.
This week we look forward to celebrating mass on Friday at 11.15am for All Saints Day. Mass will be held in the school hall and all are most welcome.
Thursday is also our Hallowe’en Disco for the school. P1-3 at 6.30pm and P4-5 at 7.45pm. Further details have been provided by letter.
The nursery Hallowe’en Party will be on Friday.

I hope everyone has a good week and thank you for reading my blog.

Mrs Hendry
Head Teacher

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