The penultimate week awaits!

Well the sun certainly made itself felt this week – summer at last!

The children in school and nursery thoroughly enjoyed the good weather and learning was very much outdoors. Please remember to send your child to school with adequate protection for the summer weather i.e. sunhat, sun cream etc. I would encourage all children to have their water bottles filled with plain water only as the school does become very warm as the day goes on.


It has been an extremely busy week but a very rewarding one as well.

On Monday morning two of our senior pupils attended the South Lanarkshire Council Annual Pupil Award ceremony. They were accompanied by Mrs Dobbin. Amy Sinclair, represented P5-7, and received an award for the Masterclass Programme this year. Jennifer Murray received an individual award for her endeavor and achievement during her residential trip to Ardentinny. Congratulations to both girls – thoroughly well deserved.

On Monday evening I was delighted to share our Standards and Quality report to our Parent Council. This document details all the hard work and progress our school has made this year and the plans for further development next year. A parent leaflet about Standards and Quality will be in school bags this week. Elizabeth King, the principal psychologist for SLC, attended the meeting and spoke to the group about Attachment Theory. This is in relation to work within the school next year. My thanks to Elizabeth for coming along and providing a very informative input on this important matter.

The Parent Council have agreed to buy the school sets of bibles for sacrament classes and a customised welcome mat for the security bubble. These will be very welcome additions to our school and are affordable due to the success of the summer fayre.

Our parents had a very eventful week as on Wednesday they once again organised a super disco for our pupils. Shorts, shades and sun was the theme. A great night was had by all.

On Thursday Mrs McCart accompanied our two finalists to the St John Ogilive High public speaking competition for the feeder primaries. Scott Longmuir and Robyn Macpherson delivered two super presentations on climate change and footballers’ wages. I am thrilled to say that Scott was awarded 1st place overall – fantastic! Well done to Robyn too!

Friday morning welcomed our new intake to the school for the final event of our induction programme this side of summer – our Induction Morning. 25 of our 28 children came along and had a wonderful experience in Primary 1. My thanks to Miss McLaughlin, Mrs Dobbin, our support staff and our Primary 6 buddies who all excelled themselves giving our new intake a super example of what life is about in St. Cuthbert’s Primary. The new intake proudly displayed their learning of Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear when they returned to the hall. My thanks too goes to Mr McVey from our Parent Council, Mr Meek, Credit Union and Mrs Gail McKillop, Home School Partnership, who all contributed to the parent session. We look forward to welcoming our children to Primary 1 officially on Monday 17th August at 10am.


The nursery continue to get ready for summer and have been singing their songs daily. The buddies have also been very busy visiting the nursery as they help to get ready for the summer concert. The afternoon children visited the soft play this week and had a great time.

In school this week children will be told their class for next session on Thursday when they will have the opportunity to meet and spend time with their new teacher. Letters will be in school bags on Thursday detailing classes.

Many thanks for reading my blog,

Mrs Hendry

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