Celebrating our Faith in the Month of October

We had a strong focus on our faith this week. On Friday we walked to mass in glorious sunshine to celebrate mass with the parish community. Many thanks to the 3 parents and one grandparent who accompanied us by walking. This was disappointing as we have an increasing roll and without the support of our parents and carers we may be unable to continue walking to church as a whole school. This would be very sad as the children benefit so much from celebrating mass with the parish community. On Friday their behaviour, manners, reverence, respect, singing and participation during mass was outstanding. Primary 5 led our liturgy very well and our three servers also did very well. As always the parishioners were most impressed. Well done everyone!

On Thursday evening we had our sacrament registration meetings. We had a very high turnout. Many thanks to staff who came along and supported the school. If any parent could not make the meeting please contact Father Dornan as soon as possible.

On Tuesday we welcomed the Legion of Mary to our school to lead us in the holy rosary.

On Saturday evening I was delighted to see our school information displayed in Motherwell Cathedral as part of the timeline of schools to celebrate 100 years of Catholic Education. Founded in 1893 our school is one of the oldest in the diocese. We should be very proud of our school history. The children will be learning more about us in the coming weeks as we celebrate the 125th Anniversary of our school.


In the classes this week ….

P1a have been focussing on the ‘ck’ sound this week. They have been counting to ten and identifying the missing number. They have been discussing their family tree and drawing them in class.

P1b are also working hard on numbers and sounds. They were exploring their senses blindfolded when the fire alarm went off this week. They responded brilliantly quickly taking off their blindfolds and making their way to their muster points. They have enjoyed exploring the sense of sight and touch.

P3 continued to work hard on place value this week. In health and well being they have been exploring rules in school and the community that keep us safe. They have continued to learn about David Livingston during their topic work.

P3/4 have been developing their estimation and rounding skills this week. In music they have been learning about tempo and moving to different types of music. They have also been learning about the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary.

P4 have been learning about the functions of the organs in the human body. They have been working on rounding to nearest 10 and 100. They have been learning about the houses of the ancient Romans and making mosaics. A special well done to P4 who were getting changed after PE when the fire alarm sounded. Again they reacted superbly well and made it their priority to leave the building promptly. Well done!

P5 had a very exciting week  and brought some special visitors to our school! They visited Glenlee Woods twice, firstly to lay Pitfall traps to catch a range of invertebrates and secondly to collect their traps and specimens and bring them back to school! They caught many! They observed their catch, studied them in class and then used branched identification keys to classify. They then released the specimens to the school garden!

P6 are studying the novel Wonder. They used this to create improvisations in drama. They are developing their notetaking skills and used the iPads to find information and take notes on life in the trenches. Miss Prentice and Miss McKendry commented on their super singing and mass responses on Friday. Well done Primary 6!

P7 have been learning about food labelling and understanding healthy information. They have been learning about food storage and eliminating bacteria. They have been learning about different systems of government and defining democracy. In Maths they have been adding 5 digit numbers mentally.


In the nursery the focus moved onto People Who Help Us. Bridie our school crossing patrol came in to speak about how she keeps people safe. We also had some of our dads come in to help make outside dens. A great big thank you to all our helpers! We had a great discussion about fire fighters, their jobs and how they keep us safe. Please spend some time in our playroom looking at the wonderful displays created by our children.



On Thursday of this week we have our first parents’ evening. Times will be given to pupils on Monday. Please come along and take this opportunity to speak with your child’s class teacher. As we now have 9 classes, the hall will be very busy, so I would ask that pupils do not attend this event if possible. If childcare is an issue and pupils have to come I would ask that pupils take a seat in the waiting area and respect the parents and teachers who are engaging in discussions. Thank you.


I hope everyone has a wonderful October week and the blog will return on Sunday 28th October.


Many thanks for reading my blog,


Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher

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