Working with pupils, parents, partners and parish!

This week we have been hard at work both in the classroom and in the wider school. Pupils from P1 to P7 have now settled into routines and are working hard across all areas of the school.


On Tuesday this week we started our first after school Netball club in partnership with Active Schools. This club is open to both Primary 6 and 7 pupils. We are very excited to develop this game in St. Cuthbert’s and look forward to participating in local tournaments.

This week we had our first Parent Council. We welcomed new members and even ran out of chairs around the table! A great complaint to have. The Parent Council had a tour of our new wing and are bust organising their first Race Night on Friday 5th October. There were concerns raised around parking at our school and this is an area I will take forward with our School Travel coordinator and newly appointed Junior Road Safety Officers in conjunction with the police. Pupil safety is our number one priority in St. Cuthbert’s.

Following the Parent Council meeting we welcomed Peter from Ardentinny Outdoor Centre who provided a very informative and exciting presentation for our Primary 7s and parents about their outdoor experience, this year taking place in April. Any parent wishing to disucss any matter relating to this trip should speak to Miss McKendry.


On Wednesday evening we had a very healthy turnout at our Primary 1 Parent Workshop. Parents attending had the opportunity to hear key information about the teaching of literacy, numeracy and health and wellbeing in Primary 1 and develop skill in supporting their child at this very important time in their child’s education. Parents also had the opportunity to view resources and their child’s class and meet the Primary 1 teachers. Evaluations for the whole induction programme from nursery to Primary 1 were 100% positive. A request was made for a further input on reading. Parents will be given the opportunity to come into the Primary 1 class and view a literacy lesson.


Thursday was school photograph day and John Wilson delivered the proof cards on Friday! Wow! Please return your orders asap to the school office or order online for free delivery back to the school.


On Friday we welcomed Father Dornan to our school for the Opening Mass of the school year. The theme of the mass was listening – very appropriate for the start of the school year. As part of Mass, Father Dornan was accompanied by some pupils, staff and parents processing to the new wing of our school and blessing each room. We thank Father for ensuring our new building is now fully part of St. Cuthbert’s Community. A special well done also to our Primary 1 pupils who sat superbly well during their first mass. And another well done to our Primary 2 and 3 pupils who carried their own chairs into to the hall so safely as we have grown so much in number we have now run out of chairs!


In the nursery we welcomed our new boys and girls starting this week. All have settled well. On Wednesday we welcomed Miss Hargarve, a Modern Apprentice, to our team. Miss Hargrave has been very impressed with our school building and most of all our fantastic children. The nursery team have been working very hard developing their extended space. We now have a super sensory area in our additional room in addition to our indoor physical equipment. The children have been exploring their new space and resources throughout the week and having their say on how they want the nursery to look!


This week we look forward to welcoming Andy Malone to our assembly on Tuesday where he will demonstrate some Judo and encourage our new children to take part.

We will also have our House Elections on Friday morning – good luck Primary 7!


Many thanks for reading my blog,

Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher


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