Celebrating our Faith

Congratulations to 24 of our young people from Primaries 3 and 4 who made their First Reconciliation on Thursday evening. We had a beautiful celebration of faith with a very prayerful atmosphere in our church. My thanks to all the children and families for participating so well and also to the staff who prepared our children and came along to support them on Thursday evening. Finally, my thanks goes to Father Dornan for his continued support.

Primary 1 have been learning to identify coins up to £2 in Numeracy. They can add amounts up to 5p and will be continuing up to 10p next week. They have been learning about the impact of weather and packed their suitcases for their trip to the wet and windy Isle of Coll. 

Primary 1/2 have been learning about weight in maths. They can use a 2-part balance and can state whether items are heavy or light. In art they have been mixing primary colours to make secondary colours. 

Primary 2/3 have been learning about time. Primary 2 have been reading and writing o’clock and half past times and Primary 3 have been doing quarter past and quarter to. In Science they have been learning how to use a thermometer to measure the temperature outside. The children recorded the temperature every hour. They then put the information they gathered in a table onto a bar graph. 

Primary 3 worked very hard to prepare for their Reconciliation this week and are very proud of themselves. In maths they have been learning about change from £1 and what coins they could use. In Health & Wellbeing they looked at the 5 food groups and designed a healthy snack which they will cook very soon! 

Primary 4 have worked hard with multiplication learning 6, 7 and 9 times table. For their First Holy Communion preparation they learned the story of the last supper and re-enacted this together. In science they have conducted dissolving experiments. In literacy they have been improving their writing with adverbs.  

Primary 5 have been tackling fractions and learning about mixed numbers. They have also been designing bridges and building models from lollipop sticks. They have also been preparing for their Mandarin showcase. 

Primary 6 have carried out research into famous scientists and inventors. They have made anemometers and were able this week to measure wind speed. They had to make adjustments but by Thursday they worked! Their reading comprehension was on British Science Week but it was still very enjoyable.  

This week Primary 7 have been learning about prime numbers and how to find prime factors. In ICT they have been started work on their i-Movies and they are looking forward to seeing the finished movies.  

In the nursery, they are continuing to enjoy traditional stories. This week they have been concentrating on The Three Little Pigs. The children were all excited to try out the new Literacy Den in our outside area. The boys have requested torches and the girls would like fairy lights. We also had the suggestion of central heating from one of our children! We will address the lighting requests for this week and then think about the other area!

This week is our annual fundraising week. All details can be found on the most recent newsletter and on the school app. In the nursery please bring in a hat so children can decorate this week for the Easter Bonnet parade.


Many thanks for reading my blog and thanks to Miss McKendry for sending me the information on Friday!

Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher

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