World of Work Week Success!

Well what a week we returned to in St. Cuthbert’s after our snow days.


Firstly we said goodbye to some very large chicks on Monday morning. Mrs Cathcart did a splendid job caring for our furry friends.


Following on from our successful World of Work days in previous years we embarked on a week full of World of Work activities as part of our school improvement efforts this year. We were delighted to welcome a wide range of partners into our school to share their experience in the world of work. Our pupils, as always, were very engaged and impressed all with their behaviour and insightful questions. The inputs form each class this week give further details about the highlights for each class. Please follow us on Twitter and the school app as many updates and photographs were posted throughout the week.

We also welcomed back Miss Ferrie and Mrs Collins this week to our school staff. P6 and 7 also had a Road Safety themed play, The Journey, performed by The Baldy Bane Theatre Company.


Here’s what was happening in the classes ….

Primary 1 had a lot of fun dreaming up what they wanted to be in the future. They found it tricky to identify their favourite speaker but they did find the photographer and the police very interesting!

Primary 2 loved dressing up as their future career and drew pictures of themselves in the future. Their favourite was the police officer who brought a wide range of equipment and let the pupils try on his hat and hold the baton and handcuffs. They enjoyed listening to the doctor as he discussed his role in helping injured footballers.

P2/3 also dressed up as many different future careers. Their favourite was the doctor who brought along photographs and demonstred how to use an inhaler and a stapler! They also enjoyed the cabin crew input and all agreed that it was very hard work indeed!

Primary 3 thoroughly enjoyed the week and liked talking to their friend’s about their costumes. They had two favourites the doctor and cabin crew!

Primary 4 told Mrs Boyd they loved this week of learning! Their favourite was the police officer. Many pupils in P4 are really interested in joining the police. They asked lots of questions. They also enjoyed learning about the role of G4S and prisoner transport.

Primary 5 were inspire by the many different visitors in many different ways. They learned the importance of perseverance and never saying ‘I can’t’. They learned that even when people are faced with difficulties if you persevere you can follow your dreams and achieve great things!

Primary 6 had a fantastic week and really enjoyed the variety of speakers. It was impossible to identify their favourite but they were impressed with G4S and how they trusted them with so many pieces of their equipment. This made the experience very real. The most interesting speaker was David Goutcher the author due to his determination to achieve his dream through a very exciting work life.

Primary 7 also enjoyed the full week finding the talks very interesting and motivational. They loved having the opportunity to speak to former pupils who are now in sixth year at St. John Ogilvie about their achievements and challenges after leaving primary school.


A huge thank you to Mrs Cran, all the staff of our school, many friends and family members and our community partners for enabling our pupils to have such a wonderful learning opportunity this week.


In the nursery Fairyland continues to develop. The dragon brought another letter this week and left Fairyland books for every child. We are beginning to draw our favourite characters. Our new outdoor construction site has been fantastic and children had great fun pretending to make cement and build walls. In the gym hall we have been developing our understanding of positional language moving under and over, through and in and out. We also completed our Stay, play and share week after the snow days last week.


Our latest newsletter has been published so please access this through the app.

This week I would ask you to pray for 25 of our young pupils who will make their Sacrament of Reconciliation on Thursday evening for the first time. Thursday in International School Meals Day so there will be a change of menu communicated through the app.


Our P5-7 pupils have been busy preparing their Mandarin Showcase. This was unfortunately postponed due to weather. P5-7 will perform their showcase in the school hall this Friday, 16th March, all welcome to join us.


May I wish all mothers and grandmothers a Happy Mother’s Day.


Many thanks for reading my blog,


Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher



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