Chick chick chickens!

We have enjoyed a very busy week of learning this week in many ways. The Living Eggs arrived in P7 to help us learn about caring and nurturing for the very young. The senior Nurture Group visited the Dementia Café on Thursday afternoon and had a super experience spending time with the guests making memory jars and singing. The children were a credit to their school showing empathy and understanding for others. George McAleenan from Let the Children Live gave a super presentation at assembly sharing the work of the charity in caring for the street children of Columbia. We assured George of our continued support. We finished with the week with M and M Productions performing Charlotte’s Web! The whole school and nursery thoroughly enjoyed the show!


Primary 1 have almost finished all their sounds! This week they learned the cheeky sound ‘th’. We started our descriptive writing al about our grans. We also learned about healthy and unhealthy foods and made our very own healthy lunchbox!

This week P1/2 enjoyed learning about the lifecycle of a hen and visiting the living eggs before they hatched. They are eager to see the chicks progress next week. They have been learning about descriptive writing and created their own story about friends in school.

P2/3 have been ordering numbers in numeracy. P2 have looked at numbers to 100 and P3 numbers to 1000. The children have been redrafting their recount writing pieces and learning to give ad accept feedback to one another. They have been learning about the Lost Sheep and the meaning of this story for us as part of the preparation for Reconciliation.

P3 have been learning about Zaccheus and why he wanted to change his ways after he met Jesus. In numeracy they have been learning about money collections to £5 and giving exact change. In art they have been learning all about the Argyll print.

P4 have been continuing with their novel Charlie and the chocolate Factory. They have developed their summarising skills and also about coco beans. In numeracy they have been revising their tables and learning to multiply by 100. They began their preparation for the sacrament of First Holy Communion and received their special Family Workbooks.

P5 have been learning about the structure of the Forth Bridges as part of their Roads and Journeys learning. They have created their Lenten promises this week and working hard to fulfil them.

P6 have been learning how to add to 2 place decimals in the standard written method. We are exploring the Kingdom of God in RE and have begun to explore narratives through poetry. In science, we have looked at renewable energies and made anemometers.

P7 have had a very exciting week learning about the life cycle and development of chickens. Eight of our eggs hatched and we have 4 boys and 4 girls. P7 also started to learn about World War II and have had some excellent learning opportunities to develop their understanding of life during the war.


There was great excitement in the nursery this week as a dragon came to visit! He was very sad as Fairyland had disappeared because boys and girls were not reading fairy tales any longer. He was a friendly dragon and left a very old letter. The boys and girls agreed to help the dragon. Mrs Egan found some magic beans and left them in the nursery. The very next day the children could not believe their eyes as a giant beanstalk had grown where the beans were lying. The children read the story Jack and the Beanstalk and acted out the story on our new outdoor stage. The children also made fabulous green leaves to decorate the beanstalk. They also made a giant boots and a golden egg! I wonder what will happen next week…..!

The other fantastic news in the nursery is that the igloo is complete! What an achievement! Thank you so much for all your recycling that helped make this happen. The children decided to make the igloo a den for The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We hope the dragon likes it!

A busy week of learning in our school and a further one ahead! Please remember to come along to our Lenten Prayer services on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays at 8.45am.

The March Newsletter will be issued this week with further updates and information.


Many thanks for reading my blog,


Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher




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