A busy few days

I hope everyone had a relaxing February break. A very short blog this week to update you on a busy few days in school.


Wednesday marked the beginning of the season of Lent. This is the time of preparation for the great feast of Easter in our church. Miss McKendry has been working with all pupils and will be issuing the calendar this week detailing all the events taking place in our school as we work together as a community of faith to prepare for the great feast of Easter. Mrs Hall and Miss Prentice have started their Lenten Prayer Programme. This takes place on the mornings of Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in the school hall at 8.45am. We would encourage all pupils, friends and family members of our school community to come and join us as we pray the rosary, stations of the cross and engage in quiet prayer during these times. My thanks to Mrs Hall and Miss Prentice for providing this wonderful opportunity in our school.


On Wednesday the staff worked very hard developing their knowledge and skill about Scotland’s Young Workforce. Mrs Cran shared important information with our staff and we look forward to taking this forward with our pupils in the coming weeks.


On Friday P4-7 had the opportunity to engage in hour long workshops on the Wild Bus provided by Edinburgh Zoo. The pupils learned about the diverse nature of Scotland’s landscape and also about the importance of animal wildlife and protection. As always our pupils were complemented for their positive behaviour and engagement during activities.


The nursery children celebrated Chinese New Year this week. They enjoyed tasting some traditional foods and also made their own lucky envelopes. The children are looking forward to getting outside this week and trying out some of our new resources in the outside area.


Many thanks for reading my blog,


Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher

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