Serving the Common Good

This week was Catholic Education Week in Scotland. Our pupils have been discussing the theme, Serving the Common Good, in various ways within their classes. At assembly on Tuesday the children learned the story behind the beautiful icon, Jesus our Teacher, commissioned to celebrate 100 yrs of the Education Act. On Wednesday evening, educators, pupils, parents and clergy from the Diocese of Motherwell gathered for the annual Education Mass in Motherwell Cathedral. It was an uplifting occasion with mass celebrated by Bishop Toal. The music liturgy provided by St. John Ogilvie High was excellent. I was immensely proud of Katie Hogan who read her bidding prayer with confidence as did the other children representing our cluster primaries.


This weekend many pupils and staff will represent our school at St. Cuthbert’s parish. Our noticeboard in the porch of the church has also been updated with a variety of photographs of events showcasing how our school community serves the common good.


Many thanks to our new parents who came along to the Parent Council on Monday evening. We had 13 people present and at least 6 apologies. It is great to see so many parents willing to work together to benefit our pupils.


In the classes ….

P1 have enjoyed making their own maps this week as part of their Katie Morag topic. They went for a walk and then drew a map of their local area. They are currently creating Katie Morag’s island in the class. In numeracy they have continued with addition and are improving their speed at completing calculations.

P1/2 have been thinking about they can help others as part of Catholic Education Week. They participated in quiet prayer and then discussed ideas in a circle time. In Literacy the focus has been nouns.

P2/3 have also been considering how they can serve the common good by helping friends, families and each other. They have also planted class plants and are taking care of them and nurturing them to help them grow.

P3 have been practising some meditation as they consider how they can serve the common good. In numeracy they have been mentally subtracting 2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers. As part of the preparation for reconciliation they have been learning about the symbols of Baptism.

P4 had a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory themed week. They wrote a descriptive passage about Charlie. They also considered the difference between fact and opinion. Three lucky boys and girls found a golden ticket! They have also continued with their learning around farm to fork. They watched a programme about the creation for fish fingers.

P5 have focussed on caring for God’s creation during Catholic Education Week and learned about plastic pollution. They have also carried out a power investigation and have been monitoring power use in our school.

P6 have been learning about equivalent fractions and how to order and compare fractions. They have also been learning to change noun endings when they become plural. The focus in Mandarin has been animal names and the focus in IDL, energy.

P7 have continued to develop their ability to apply their knowledge of division and multiplication to word problems. In their study of Divided City they have been discussing two main issues – Asylum Seekers and Sectarianism. In art they have been studying the work of Steven Brown.


In the nursery…

Recycling continues to be our focus in the nursery. The igloo is taking shape so please continue with your donations of milk cartons. The children this week created their own junk models and painted them. They also used the junk to make a variety of musical instruments.  The children made jelly in a variety of containers that had been recycled. This week the boys and girls will enjoy role play in our shop area using the variety of cartons and containers. Most parents and carers now have access to our online journals and have been able to view their child’s progress in nursery. Targets have also been set this week. Please speak to staff if you have still to discuss targets or access to the journals.


We look forward to celebrating mass as a school community on Monday afternoon at 1.30pm in the school hall. Primary 2 are leading the liturgy. Family and friends are most welcome to join us. The latest newsletter has been published on our app. Please contact the school if you require a paper copy.

Please remember next Monday 12th Feb and Tuesday 13th Feb are holidays and the school and nursery are closed to pupils on Wed 14th Feb as it is a Staff Development Day. No blog next week due to the holiday weekend.


Many thanks for reading my blog,


Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher


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