A less eventful week!

We were grateful that the weather did slightly improve this week although the rain and ice resulted in more in plays! Let’ s hope this week we can get out to play!

We completed the Primary 1 enrolments and look forward to welcoming our new Primary 1s during our induction programme.

In the classes ….

Primary 1 have had a very Scottish themed week. They have been learning Scots language singing Donald where’s yer troosers! They were very excited to perform their song to their nursery friends on Thursday. They have been learning Scottish dance and on Burns’ Day enjoyed tasting traditional haggis, neeps and tatties!

Primary 1/2 also learned about Robert Burns. They created their very own tartan and learned a Scottish dance. They enjoyed eating shortbread and listening to traditional Scottish music. In Science they have been developing their knowledge of food chains.

Primary 2/3 also had learned about who Robert Burns was. They discussed the pattern of tartan designs and created their own tartan using icing on shortbread. In Literacy they have been learning about nouns and verbs. In RE they have been identifying the characteristics that make us all unique.

Primary 3 have been learning about the concept of subtraction using the method of exchange. This tested our knowledge of place value! They have also been studying the work of Andy Warhol as part of the pattern study in Art and Design. Preparation is well underway for our Sacrament of Reconciliation. They have been identifying our talents and gifts and know that they are all unique.

Primary 4 have been developing their knowledge of descriptive adjectives. In numeracy they have been developing mental strategies for subtraction within 100. They have been learning about Scots language and studied the Jeely Piece Song.

Primary 5 have been learning about long multiplication. They have been developing their knowledge of the compass and using this to locate directions. In Art and Deisgn they have been drawing using one point perspective. In Writing they have been writing imaginative stories about snowmen.

Primary 6 have concluded their writing about crocodiles with a particular focus on the sue of adverbs. They have been converting proper and improper fractions to decimals! They too looked about the life of Robert Burns and recited the Selkirk Grace.

Primary 7 have been learning about asylum seekers and about the reasons why they leave their own country. In numeracy they have been learning about long division. The work in Science has continued to look at physical states and they have been introduced to the Periodic table.


I hope you can see the development of learning in our school from P1-P7 – particularly in numeracy. Our pupils have the opportunity to learn and develop their knowledge and skills year on year. This is hugely important and will enable our children to achieve and attain thei very best.


However, it all starts in our wonderful nursery!

This week the boys and girls have continued to learn about recycling. They are sorting materials into different groups. They have had great fun using the materials to build towers and structures. There was great excitement on Friday as everyone gathered to start making our igloo. The children sorted the milk bottles into size and shape and then counted them out to make the igloo. Please continue to donate empty, clean and dried 4 pint plastic milk bottles. There was a Scottish theme on Thursday with the children wearing tartan, listening to Scottish music and enjoying haggis, neeps and tatties for snack!


This weekend starts the beginning of Catholic Education week. The theme this year is Serving the Common Good. It is also the centenary of the1918 Catholic Education Act. Please see our newsletter, to be published this week, for more details.

Parent Council meeting on Monday 29th January at 6.30pm in the staffroom. We did ask all members of the council last meeting to try and bring at least one friend along on Monday evening. Let’s see if we can increase our Parent Council. The meetings are very relaxed and informal – the focus is simply working together to make our school the best it can be for every child. Come along on Monday evening you will be very welcome.


Many thanks for reading my blog,


Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher

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