A week all about the weather!

Well our second week back has been quite eventful! The weather took a very wintery turn and made for tricky travel to and from our school and nursery. A very short blog as our P7 blog collectors were in the middle of their task on Friday when the decision was made to close all schools!

A sincere word of thanks to all staff, pupils, parents and carers who worked together this week to ensure school and nursery were open, children made it safely to school and staff were there to meet them!

The snow did provide some wonderful learning opportunities with the nursery children investigating melting with ice, building snowmen, and our school children wrapping up warm and exploring the snowy outdoors. Primary 4 have been studying the forecasts and we may have some future forecasters in our midst!

As always, our school embraces every opportunity to learn!


It was Primary 1 enrolment week too! We welcomed many families to our school throughout the week and names have been added to ‘the big list’! A few appointments scheduled for Friday afternoon were cancelled and alternatives given for this week. Please contact the school asap if your child has not registered for school and is due to start in August 2018.


The weather forecast looks more hopeful for this week!


Many thanks for reading my blog,


Mrs Hendry

Head Teacher

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